Testimony 20 14 July 1999 11:36

My name is Neasa Murray and I am 67 years of age with 5 children, two girls and three boys. The two girls and one boy are married. I have five granddaughters and five grandsons.

Until Ash Wednesday of l998, I had never been in any prayer group, nor did I ever want to be, as I valued my freedom. But God had other ideas.

To please a friend of mine who had just returned to Ireland after 40 years in America, I attended a new True Life In God Prayer Meeting which was starting locally in a private house on Ash Wednesday l998.

On the following Tuesday night, I attended another TLIG Prayer Meeting in Rathmines to meet my friend, Patsy Kirby, there. To my amazement, I actually liked being there. After a few weeks, I was slain in the spirit and suddenly I saw the world with different eyes and my whole life changed.

Having had l7 years of bad health – prolapse, hysterectomy, all my teeth removed, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, spinal trouble (discs out in my back and neck), necessitating years of physiotherapy and living in constant pain, life suddenly changed. I found I was gradually being healed and given back the strength and energy of a young woman. I could now do things I never thought I could ever do again. I always needed 8 hours of sleep, but now I needed very little. Life was suddenly wonderful again and I felt so contented, happy and at peace.

The True Life In God messages were just what my soul was craving for and I thank God for drawing me closer to him and allowing me to love and serve him and Our Blessed Mother. I will do anything and everything I can to spread these messages. I now trust God completely and put my life in his hands to do with as he pleases.

In June l998, I borrowed a Relic of the True Cross for a week to bless our two prayer groups. That week, many of our members were on holiday, so I asked the priest if I could keep it for another week.

While I had this Relic, which is usually kept locked up, I decided to use it the way I thought Our Lord would wish it to be used i.e. to bless priests or religious in particular, churches, altars, tabernacles, statues, confessionals, and in fact, anywhere touched by people.

As I am one of those who rarely think of the right thing to say at the time, I made a little arrangement with God. I asked him to fill with the Holy Spirit all those who touched anything I had touched with the Relic, each and every time.

At this point in time, I felt called to go up to the North of Ireland and bless all the troubled spots. Also churches of all denominations, orange halls, police stations, army barracks, graveyards, hospitals, colleges and schools. I met a friend of mine in Belfast who brought me in his car to the worst trouble spots around there, including Drumcree and Portadown. On other days I was able to use my free travel ticket to go to Armagh and Derry.

This year (l999), this friend met me again in Belfast on Friday, the 9th of July, and we were allowed to walk around Stormont Castle and the ugly new building where all the parties were gathered for the peace talks. We prayed together that the Holy Spirit would touch each one of them so that there would at last be peace in the North, and I blessed both buildings with the Relic. On the previous Wednesday , the 7th of July, I had told God I would go up north again if he wanted me to and if he made the Relic available to me again. I had it in my hand the very next morning! This year we managed to get to some of the places I didn’t bless last year.

Many of the people I was brought to bless were interested in the True Life In God messages. One of these, a visionary, sees the shroud quite often. I have sent him some books and a picture of Our Lord. I feel God has picked him for True Life In God.

I had some extraordinary experiences when I had that Relic. I was often amazed and very deeply moved by the wonderful instant healing effect it had on so many people. It was as if they were expecting this Relic at that particular moment in time.

When I told the priest what was happening, he told me to hold on to it for another while. During this time I had the little container in a special little bag. I had told God that I would have it on my person by day and under my pillow every night. I felt called to do some extraordinary and difficult tasks I would never have thought myself capable of doing and I felt Our Lord was training and testing me. But why? Everytime I felt unsure of what to do, Our Lady instantly showed me a way.

During this time I felt God wanted me to try to get the True Life In God books into the shops. As I am by nature a shy woman, this idea didn’a appeal to me at all. But with the Relic in my pocket, the Holy Spirit gave me the words and the courage to try.

During June, July and August of l998 when I had that Relic of the True Cross in my possession, amazing things began to happen to me and to others, both in this country and abroad in Medjugorje (August), Lourdes, Fatima and Garabandal (July). I found myself the instrument of many healings. Four people, blessed with the Relic, who sat at my table with me in Lourdes, two in front and two beside me, had visions. Two in the Chapel of Adoration (husband and wife) at Fatima, and two (a woman and her l5-year old niece) in the Church at Garabandal. I myself had two experiences in Fatima and one in Garabandal, which is why I was drawn back to Garabandal again this year.

As I had helped the young man in the shop last year and was helping to spread the messages of Garabandal, he said he would take a group of us in April this year as he was building extra rooms on to his shop. I organized a group of 2l, of which l6 were members of True Life In God and including Fr. « X », Fr. Tony Sullivan, Carol Chamberlain.and Mary Crooks. We went on a pilgrimage (6th – l7th April, l999) from Dublin to Garabandal. There were over l00 people in the group altogether (3 coaches). We spent the weekend (9th – l2th) in Lourdes. There were 7 priests in this group who celebrated beautiful masses for us each day.

God had arranged everything beautifully for True Life in God.

Videos of Vassula (brought along by Fr. Tony), were shown on the coaches by Fr. « X » who had many opportunities of speaking about the True Life In God messages in Garabandal and Lourdes as people were very interested. They showed the Videos of Vassula in Sweden and Vassula reading Messages About Our Lady on our coach. There were many orders given to me for books and enquiries made about videos and audios.

We had many healing services, by public demand, and Fr. Tony and Fr. James gave of themselves unsparingly. In fact they worked non-stop for l4 days. Twelve days on the pilgrimage and two days when they returned to Dublin.

Our Blessed Lord had his greatest victory in Ireland since the NOTIFICATION in l995.

Fr. « X », Fr. Tony Sullivan and Fr. Des O’Sullivan, celebrated a Mass and Healing Service, at which Fr. « X » gave talks on the Messages of True Life In God. This took place in St. Gabriel’s Church, Dollymount, Dublin 3, on Sunday, the l8th April, l999. There were 8OO people (approx.) present.

Those interested were invited to attend a True Life In God meeting immediately afterwards in Clontarf Castle Hotel nearby.

Many people came to that meeting and, as a result, we were offered a venue for a new True Life In God prayer meeting in Baldoyle, Co. Dublin. We had our lst meeting in the Pastoral Centre Oratory on the 2nd of May. We are allowed to have the Blessed Sacrament exposed during our meetings every Monday night.

Fr. « X », Fr. Tony Sullivan, and Fr. Des O’Sullivan, celebrated another Mass and Healing Service in St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Armagh, the ECCLESIASTICAL CAPITOL OF IRELAND, on Monday, the l9th April, l999. Fr. « X » gave a talk on the Messages of True Life In God. There were 2OO people (approx.) present. This was not too bad as we had only just over a week to advertise before we went to Garabandal.

Many True Life In God books were sold in both of these churches. Since then, we have been inundated with enquiries from all over the country about books, audeos, videos, and prayer meeting guides.

The True Life In God Messages are slowly but surely being spread around Ireland again, Thank God.

We had 3 miraculous physical cures in Garabandal.

(l) Patrick Douglas.

Patrick designed the Papal Blessing poster which helped so much to influence people, and especially our clergy, since all the blessings took place AFTER the notification. He also put together some pages from the True Life In God magazines, giving testimonies as well. We put a coloured picture of the face of Our Lord as a cover which people could frame.

Patrick had very bad health which most people didn’t realize as he is such a cheerful fellow. He suffered from a rare form of arthritis. His knees were swollen. He had lost the use of some of his fingers on one hand. His ribs had caved in and he had an enlarged heart. He had breathing problems and bad sinus.

He had to retire from work many years ago. He spent all his days with God, reading, going to daily mass, prayer meetings, healings and visiting people in hospital. He was responsible for Frank Reynolds organizing a True Life In God Prayer Meeting on the north side of Dublin. He is a very gentle, kind, generous man.

For 20 years, Patrick has prayed that somehow he would be in Garabandal when the miracle happened. He had no money, no job, but he trusted that Our Lady would get him there somehow. This is why we decided to bring him.

Awhile before we travelled, he asked if his wife could take his place as he felt so ill that he felt he could not travel. When he heard that Fr. « X » was coming, he decided that he had to come too. As one of our group discovered he had a brain tumour and could not travel, Patrick got his place.

Patrick was completely and miraculously cured and has regained the strength and energy of a young man. He can even run now. (He is 5O years old.)

Patrick’s wife Teresa, a non-practicing Catholic, saw the face of Our Lord (Divine Mercy) in the host during mass one morning in Garabandal.

(2) Carol O’Mahony

Carol O’Mahony, a 5O year old woman from Clonmel, suffered from a bad back for 27 years. She had a discsectomy in l99l which relieved the pain a little, but the adjoining discs were also worn. She had to use painkillers all the time.

Fr. Tony Sullivan prayed over her one night at a healing service in Garabandal. He told her it was her lower back that was affected. He sat her into a chair and prayed over her legs. She experienced a great sensation of both legs growing. Following this, she received a beautiful blessing, and was slain in the spirit, by Fr. « X » for her dead son who was killed in an accident. The following day she felt her spine looser than she experienced since she was a young woman.

Carol has been miraculously cured and is completely free of pain. She has taken no painkillers since. A copy of her own testimony is enclosed.

(3) Geraldine Farrell (By Proxy)

Bridget Farrell, whose daughter Geraldine had leukemia, took all the blessings during the pilgrimage for Geraldine by proxy. She was very worried about Geraldine who was about to have another test. Fr. « X » told her not to worry that she would be fine, and she was.

Bridget phoned me the morning the priests were leaving to say that there was no sign of the leukemia. She had been miraculously cured.

Fr. Des O’Sullivan, C.S.Sp. told us of a woman who had been to Garabandal with our pilgrimage who stood up during one of his prayer meetings in Dublin to testify. Her name was Siobhan. She was a ballet dancer and had lead a very bad life. After her experience in Garabandal, she has now changed her lifestyle completely.

Many other healings of mind were reported . Quite a few people phoned to say what a wonderful spiritual experience they had on this pilgrimage and thanked God for having Fr. « X » and Fr. Tony present. They hope both priests will be with us again when we return to Garabandal next year.