As we are nearing the end of this year, I wish you already a Happy Christmas and a very powerful, full of the Holy Spirit New Year, a year that should open more doors to TLIG messages if we do our part. God is with us and on our side and never forget this. He showed His power so many times and conquered where we thought we had lost. So let us roll our sleeves up and continue this spiritual battle without losing courage.
I would like to share with you all, another of the prophecies that have come true. In the USA and in some European countries, the governments have started to promote Christmas as a « Happy Holiday, » instead of « Happy Christmas. » And Christmas cards are being printed with the word holidays instead of Christmas. I saw it recently in some publicities as well as in some magazines. By next year it will multiply. There are programs on TV that talk about it and want to eliminate the word Christmas altogether, because they see this season as a holiday season. The Devil hates the name Jesus Christ because it has power and authority and it controls him; so he wants to eliminate it altogether.

It was not enough for this apostatized generation to put an X instead of writing the name of the anointed One, Christ, now they are gnawing on the Body of Christ even more to efface His Holy Name.
As they did in Europe some years back with the crucifixes hanging outside the classroom doors in Catholic schools, by pulling them down, saying that the crucifix traumatizes the children. Jesus had said in the messages that they are looting the Church and they are. Like they stopped giving catechism lessons with the excuse that among the Christians are Moslems and other religions as well who attend the class and so not to offend the other religions we pulled away our Scriptures. Would the Moslems have done that for our sake…or any other religion?
But years back Jesus said to us, on the 24th December, 1991 the following message: « Today I come with peace terms and a message of love, but the peace I am offering is blasphemed by the earth and the love I am giving them is mocked and jeered in the eve of My birth. Mankind is celebrating these days WITHOUT MY HOLY NAME. MY HOLY NAME HAS BEEN ABOLISHED AND THEY TAKE THE DAY OF MY BIRTH AS A GREAT HOLIDAY OF LEISURE, worshipping idols. Satan has entered into the hearts of my children, finding them weak and asleep. I have warned the world… »
Again let us remind ourselves of the root of all this evil, an evil that is let loose to do what it pleases. The Lord several times had said: « I am weary of your arrogance and your inflexibility when it comes to assemble for UNITY; you filled and overflowed now the Cup of Stupor; intoxicated by your own voice you have opposed My Voice but it shall not be forever…My church is in ruin because of your division… » (18.2.93) In another earlier message: « tremendous amendments are required now from all of you; UNITING AND BEING ONE… »(10.09.87). With these sort of words coming from Christ, as well as we find them in other messages, speaking about our division, it looks like that because of the division in the Church all these evils are multiplying, weakening the church even more. The refusal of some shepherds (and even lay) to believe that Christ is calling (in this call and perhaps others) and trying instead to fight down the messages remind us of the words the Jews cried out at the trial of Jesus when the crowd had to choose to free, between Barabbas and Jesus and they chose Barabbas crying out: « Crucify Him and let His Blood be upon our heads… » preferring to be cursed for their choice, condemning thus an innocent Man rather than accept His Salvation and be saved. The same thing is happening now. Some of the shepherds who still make it their mission to persecute TLIG where Christ is showing His mercy to the world resemble that lot in Jesus’ time.