Presentation of the Greek edition of the book « Heaven is Real, but so is Hell »  
at Elefterouthakis Bookstore, Crete

Vassula and I travelled to Crete on June 6, 2018 for the presentation of her new book Heaven is Real but so is Hell.  The book was simultaneously sold on-site at the venue by Eleftheroudakis Bookstore.  Our trip was short. When we arrived in Heraklion, Crete, we were greeted by Pavlos, who took us under his protection; he took care of us, making sure we had everything we needed. 

 While driving towards the venue, we wondered why there were no posters of the presentation anywhere.  It was sad for us to hear that someone had dismantled them over- night.  When TLIG promoters tried to re-erect them the night before the event, someone effectively ripped them apart.

Maria Hila Introduces Vassula

There were only a few newcomers who came to hear Vassula, and because we had arranged for the presentation to be broadcast by live-streaming, we couldn’t delay the presentation; it had to begin on-time.  Personally, I felt rather disappointed at the sight in the room; there were only about ten people there.  Nonetheless, as I looked around I remembered that for God even one soul is important!  Later I would see that although there were only a few people there, they were all so thirsty to hear God’s messages!

 Marina Hila began the presentation by introducing Vassula, saying a few words about her life and her mission, and in addition stating that Vassula earns nothing at all from her books. (The status of Vassula’s book monies seems a concern to those who are against her.)  After Marina’s introduction,  Vassula spoke.  She won the attention of the audience with her charisma and humility, saying she doesn’t speak very good Greek, as she was born in Egypt and her mother was her only means towards learning the language.

Vassula Presenting and Answering Questions

She talked about the way God approached her, giving her dreams and visions at an early age.  Nonetheless, while growing up found herself uninterested in spiritual matters; she, along with her family, just lived happily away from the church and its Mysteries (Sacraments).  

She said that even though she believed there was a God, she just didn’t care enough about Him to go to church or read the Scriptures, something that many people do today.  God is simply ‘somewhere up there’ and that’s it.  Everything changed for her in 1985 when her guardian angel appeared.  That appearance defined the beginning of her mission, which she describes in detail in her new book Heaven is Real but so is Hell.  She concluded her speech by saying that God wants us to be intimate with Him, but to never forget to fear Him.  Fear of God doesn’t mean He wants us to be afraid of Him.  Fear of God means, respect!  He wants us to respect and glorify Him.  He wants us to relate to Him like children relate with their father, while never forgetting, He Is GOD.

Vassula Presenting her Autobiography

After she said these words, it was time for the audience to ask questions. Vassula stated she would only answer questions that were relevant to her book. Many people asked for the microphone.  Some of the questions were thus:

  • Why is it important for us to know there is a Hell?
  • How exactly does Vassula see and hear the Lord?
  • How would Buddhists react to    Jesus’ messages?
  • Why does Vassula talk about Jesus and then separately use the terms God, Father, Holy Spirit?
  • If God is good, why does He allow so many disasters and wars to occur?

Vassula signing her Autobiography

Since these questions were presented, Vassula had the opportunity to explain the relevance of the Holy Trinity in a manner that pleased and satisfied the person who asked this question.  She furthered by disclosing that the messages have been read in Buddhist temples and in Mosques; indeed   those who read them invited her to speak so they could more clearly and succinctly hear God’s message.  Finally, Vassula thanked everyone for coming, signed books, took pictures and personally talked to some people who wanted to learn more about the Lord’s message.