January 5th, 2017, Paris
In response to popular demand, after taking part in the interfaith show on the Tele Lumiere channel in Lebanon, Vassula was again invited as a guest on the interfaith show on the Télé Lumière channel, this time in Paris.
Vassula was given this invitation while in Sweden, as she was spending her Christmas holidays there with her family. Instead of returning back to Rhodes on January 5th, Vassula went straight to Athens, destined for Paris, along with me.
The True Life in God friends in Paris assisted in setting-up the preparations to accommodate this important interview, providing the visitors transportation, hotel accommodations, and hospitality.
On the following day, before the television show began, Vassula was subsequently asked to be interviewed on radio by musician and interdisciplinary researcher Peter Bannister, who considers the authenticity of the Messages to be indisputable.
Audio interview with Vassula Peter Bannister
The televised interfaith show that followed was entitled “how to bridge our divisions”, encompassing ten guests. Apart from Vassula, the show included the following participants: three Muslim imams, a Buddhist monk and four priests from different denominations; namely: Fr. Nabil Mouannes, Priest of the Maronite Parish in Bordeaux, Bishop Athanasius, Metropolitan of the Coptic Orthodox Church of All France, Reverend Nicolas Ayoub from the Evangelical Baptist Church and the interdisciplinary researcher Peter Bannister. Those in attendance who represented non-Christian faiths were namely: Sheikh Mahmoud Dawah, a Muslim Sunnite, Sheikh Ismail Khaliq, and Sheikh Moustfa Khaliq, Muslim Shiites, and Sheikh Mouhammad Felsan, responsible figure at the Islamic Cultural Institute Paris. Lastly, the group included Buddhist Michel Tao Chan, Director of “Cercle de Réflection des Nations ». The Journalist Lea Adel Maamary coordinated the show and Yola Bechara translated. The show was conducted in two languages, Arabic and French.
The Interview
After the guests assembled and were introduced to each other, everyone took a seat and responded to the journalist’s questions, each in turn. During the show, a pleasant atmosphere permeated within the group, replete with absolute respect.
All the guests agreed that violence and terrorism are very disturbing, and, most importantly, do not represent any religion; to the contrary, all religions call upon us to be the image of God and to live peacefully in diversity.
Among other inspiring thoughts, Bishop Athanasios mentioned the apparition of Our Lady in Zeitoun, Egypt, where a crowd of people of all religions, and even atheists, assembled to see Her during Her apparition. A multitude of healings among the crowd took place, regardless of the observers’ denomination or religion.
Fr. Nicolas Ayoub from the Baptist Church said that through Jesus, who is Peace, we are called to obtain reconciliation and peace. The Pope designated the previous year as a year of Mercy; it is our own fault when we fall into sin. Love is cultivated, and to get closer to God, one first has to get closer to the people in his/her surroundings.
Vassula talking with Sheikh Ismail Khaliq and Sheikh Moustfa Khaliq
Imam Sheikh Ismail Khaliq discussed the extent of the many common symbolisms we all share between us, regardless of our faith, and pointed out an important one: in his religion Our Lady is mentioned as a prophet who bore in Her womb the Word of God.
Buddhist monk Michel Tao Chan stressed the fact that, according to scripture, the philosophy of creation derives from mercy. At this time the Creation of God is suffering. He spoke about the natural diversity in the forest: utility and interdependence within the natural environment. Even a very small animal can be important in preserving a forest, where all animals, big and small, live and find their food. He also mentioned that everything in nature is proof that God exists, and it is for this reason that religion is so important. Finally, he discussed the importance of prayer and the joy it brings.
Vassula with the Buddhist Michel Tao Chan
Peter Bannister focused on the life of Our Lady and Her spell on earth. Her life as it is seen before the eyes of God can be an example to us.
Imam Sheikh Mahmoud Dawah, added that religion, no matter which one it is, is about love; while extremism, no matter where it comes from, is the problem. The media sometimes play a pernicious role in skewing public impressions of any faith. On the contrary, we the faithful, as we are here assembled today, listen to one another’s opinions with respect.
Vassula said that God is Love. This Message is a Love Letter from Heaven. It is addressed to all of humanity and calls us to reconciliation, love and unity. We should not forget that as God’s creatures, He does not differentiate us; in the end, we shall all be judged according to the measure of love that we had on earth.
Vassula speaking about messages
Everyone wanted to hear what this Message is that she brings from God; with joy, as always, she responded to all of their questions. She gave away signed copies of the One Book to those who had asked for it, as well as the HIR Book.
We give Glory to God who continuously approaches His people.
Glory to God