Beth Myriam in the Philippines

01 September 2000 14:30

In her personal commentary on the Holy Land conference and retreat, Vassula said this about the Beth Myriam projects which are starting:

« (they are) projects of opening a place, flat or house, to feed the poor a

warm lunch once a day and if possible have a room or two or more, depending,
for retreats. A chapel is also desired. Today there is a big house under
construction in Bethlehem itself with 33 rooms. On the tower there is
our Lady of Palestine with open arms. There is already a place in
Venezuela that has opened and another one in Bangladesh. There are

preparations for these Beth Myriams in Atlanta, USA, Switzerland, Peru, Colombia, and Ecuador so far. And all of these are run by volunteers and through donations »

In her final talk at the conference she added:

« It is God’s Will and there is no doubt about it today, that God has put His Powerful Hand in this project, but I implore everyone to depend more on the Holy Spirit who is only willing to be our guide and the lamp to our feet. On our own, we could do nothing, but through the power of the Holy Spirit we can multiply our talent. If at any time, dear friends, one will start relying on his own strength, even though his performance shows zeal, it will not be too long before he falls, finding out that he was only chasing the wind.

When these projects are done with love and humility and are done by not putting too much of ourselves in it, and that is relying on our own strength, God facilitates the openings of these houses without much of goings and doings from our part. »

Below, Fr. Richie Santos sends news of another new BethMyriam, this time in the Philippines. Please send any responses to this letter to Fr Richie or to the Philippines TLIG Association whose details are at the end of this email.

In the northernmost province of the Philippines where the people are poor families who depend only on the soil they till for a living and find it so difficult due to typhoons and the bad economy of our country, a Beth Miriam is opening.

Dr. German De Laza together with his wife have been opening their medical clinic for free to such families since they read « True Life in God » and, as a result, have bloomed into apostolic Catholics. Every weekday after his teacher-wife would have reached home coming from a public high school, Dr. de Laza would close his clinic at 2:00 p.m. to shepherd the ten villages where a TLIG prayer meeting is held – one in each village scheduled throughout the week. They have witnessed a growing number of families who have become victims of natural disasters striving to rise from their misery. This led to opening his clinic to hungry mouths and hungry souls.

After their Holy Land pilgrimage they have decided to open a Beth Miriam complete with a soup-kitchen type of place, with a small prayer room and a assembly room for retreat or prayer meeting. Some beds are made available for spending a night if persons come from far-flung barrios.

The opening will be a Birthday gift to our Blessed Mother on September 9 with the presence of Archbishop Talamayan, Archbishop of Tuguegarao, who will bless this Blessed House of Mary, Beth Miriam in Tuao, Cagayan, Cagayan Valley.

Donations are welcomed. Your prayers and felicitations are also most welcomed. All glory be to the Holy Trinity who desires us to be holy by loving the least of our brothers and sisters in whom we see the face of Jesus.

In the Two Hearts, Philippine Association of True Life In God [email protected]

True Life In God
Philippines Association
#89-A Sct. Delgado St.
Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines