Sunday, March 09, 2003 5:21 PM

Priceless Treasure

This testimony from Australia, dating from 1999, has been forwarded by Suzy Vardanian:

Several years ago, I was very far away from God and the Church. I was unhappy in my marriage. I used to fight with just about everyone I knew. I had a lot of disgusting habits and practices and a low, if altogether non-existent sense of morality.

My close friend, whom I have known since my school days, lent me a book to read on Medjugorje. I began to read it with little interest at first, but when I got to the end, Our Lady, true to her nature, inspired me. I thirsted for more, but I could not pinpoint what it was I wanted.

When I returned this book to my friend, I said to her, « Judy that was great. Have you got anything else I could read? » She said « yes » and handed me another book by the same author Wayne Weible. But I said « No, I want something coming from Jesus Himself ». (At this point I had no idea of the existence of the True Life in God messages). My friend said that she had just what I was after and handed me Volumes 1 & 2 of True Life in God.

When I saw Jesus’ Holy Face on the front cover, I was immediately attracted. It never ceases to amaze me to this day, that thirst I had for God’s Word even before I knew these messages through Vassula had been documented.

And thus began a New Life in God for me! Jesus’ Loving Words to Vassula (and through Vassula to myself and all of us) melted my heart and brought tears to my eyes immediately! I ran to Him! My soul just wanted to be held by Him. There was no resistance, just love and mercy on His part and my dry and starving soul being healed and nourished by my Loving Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Blessed Jesus taught me how to love Him. He enticed my heart and seduced my soul. He convinced me that He truly loved me, not in an abstract way, but intimately, when He gave up His life on the cross. He knew my name when He suffered the agony in the garden of Gethsemane. His tears, His blood and cry of Agony were for me and my sins and despite all the sufferings I have caused Him, here He was, with His Most Sacred Heart in His Hand, begging me-the most sinful and wretched of creatures for Love! How could I refuse?

I found myself identifying with Vassula. When her heart melted, so did mine. When she rejoiced so did I. When she was sorrowful for Jesus, so was I. When she describes His smile, my soul could see His smile too and my heart would melt at the thought of His smile.

During the day, while I was performing my duties, my mind would reflect on Jesus’ Loving Words and gradually I found my soul yearning for Him and my heart would be lifted to Him. Oh, how precious is the Love of our God! How wonderful and precious is the Love of Our Creator and what a treasure it is to possess Him in our hearts!

Jesus made me realise that this priceless treasure of Himself, His most Holy Presence is with me and all of us always, as long as we remain united to Him by loving Him and obeying all His commandments. I’ll never forget what Vassula said to her audience whilst visiting Sydney in March 1998 quoting Jesus: « If I were to materialise before you, you would feel my breath on your cheeks! » Oh, how my soul rejoiced at this thought! How comforting it is to know that He is with us always, even in our darkest moments.

I wish everyone could read and be open to the « Love Hymn » of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. I have read all nine volumes and when I feel lost in the « terrors of the night » (spiritual dryness) I am inspired to pick up a volume and I am reminded of Jesus’ Great Love and Mercy for me and for all of us. Despite my wretchedness His Love for me is even greater!

The True Life in God messages has led me back to the Church. Jesus has taught me to love Him by loving His commands and loving all truths and teachings of the Catholic Church. I am often reminded of how my life was before True Life in God (this humbles me) and I cannot help but abhor now, the things that I thought I loved back then. All thanks are to the Love of God by His grace.

True Life in God is an invitation by God to respond to His Covenant of Love. To Love Him in simplicity, to love Him without restraint and with all our being. Above all, to fall into His Loving and paternal embrace, with a contrite and repentant heart and say-

« I Love Thee My God! Fiat my God! May Your Will be done in me always my God! Amen ».

Praised be Jesus and Mary forever and may all be for the Greater Glory of the Most Holy Trinity forever and ever. AMen.
