This year I celebrated 25 years of service in the priesthood. Fr. Vincent and I were ordained only 4 months apart.
In this talk I wish to address one of the most important themes in the True Life on God prophetic revelations: divine nuptials.
I begin with my experience as an exorcist since 1995, begun under Fr. Gabriel Amorth – the late exorcist of the Diocese of Rome.
One of Satan’s predominant attacks upon the Church today is the disruption of the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony. During many
exorcisms, it became quite evident that Satan hates the female gender.
Since Satan is bent on aping God’s plan of salvation, one of the many weapons he employs in its destruction is the woman.
Statistics show that there are far more cases of diabolical possession with woman than with men. The reason? Satan seeks
to counter the Protoevangelium. The Proto-evangelium is the first announcement of salvation, the first foretelling of victory over evil.
In Gn. 3:15 we read, “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; He will strike at your head
while you strike at his heel.” Pope John Paul II states, “She [the woman] is assigned the first place in the Proto-evangelium as the
progenitrix of him who will be the Redeemer of man.”1 In view of Mary and her future triumph, Satan becomes enraged and
seeks to avenge himself upon all women.
Father Gabriel Amorth, the exorcist of the Archdiocese of Rome—whom I had the privilege of assisting as associate exorcist —made the following statement:
It is above all women who are stricken by the demonic because they are more easily exposed than men to the danger of the demonic… I have encountered numerous cases of woman who, because of demonic possession, were forced to prostitute themselves. For this reason, they have no moral blame… The woman preyed upon by Satan are especially those who are young and of pleasing appearance… During some exorcisms, the demon, with a terrifying voice, has roared that he seeks to enter woman rather than men in order to take revenge on Mary because he has been humiliated by her.2
If Satan targets women, it is because Mary, the Ark that bore the Redeemer, possesses an efficacious power that far exceeds that of other creatures. Her total abandonment to God’s will released, as it were, the reservoirs of his grace, whereby Scripture extols her as the woman “full of grace.” And Mary, being the new Eve and Mother of the Church in the new order of grace, communicates to her children the graces God imparts to her.
If Satan has marked women, God has done so even more for his universal plan of salvation. If the majority of prophets in the Old Testament were men, from the twelfth century onwards proclaiming the prophetic word of God became more and more a female privilege. God raised up many women to whom he communicated direct prophetic revelations with innumerable messages for the Church. Among these prophets who occupied a very active role in the society of their time, worthy of mention is Vassula, whose writings by their very nature encounter opposition precisely because they come from God to confront evil, expose it and eradicate it.
Ss. Bridget of Sweden, Catherine of Sienna, Luisa Piccarreta, Maria Valtorta and Marthe Robin, are prophets who share in the spirituality of the early Christian martyrs, for they considered their sufferings as a participation in the salvific mission of Christ. God chose these spiritual female giants to help the greatest of all Woman, the Virgin Mary, and her offspring crush the head of the serpent. If your human soul is of a spiritual female gender (l’âme), it is because you are called to espouse the Trinity who equips with the virtues of piety, fortitude, wisdom. etc. in order to do battle against the infernal Serpent. Just as on account of Mary’s “Fait” to God the Holy Spirit overshadowed and espoused her, giving her the seed to give birth to the Son of God, likewise with the all the baptized souls who also give their fist, their will to God. By abandoning you will every day to the will of God, you become espouse of God, who wishes to espouse you.
The Bridegroom
The Virgin Birth of Christ becomes the virgin birth of the Church.
Remember that Jesus changed his attitude toward his mother at the marriage feast of Cana, where she was known as the “mother of Jesus.” However, at Cana he called her “Woman,” alluding to the passage of Genesis that foretells the Woman who would crush the serpent’s head. Then a year and a half later when God becomes incarnate in Christ, he said, “Who is my mother?” He took all relationships out of the order of blood. For Christ they no longer exist:
“And stretching out his hand toward his disciples, he said, ‘Here are my mother and my brothers. For whoever does the will of my heavenly Father is my brother, and sister, and mother’” (Mt. 12:48-50).
And at the foot of Cross we no longer have Jesus and Mary; rather we have the new Adam and the new Eve. And the bond between the man and the woman upon which is predicated all nuptials, is why woman cannot become ordained priests. Just as in biology there are only two genders (females have 2 X chromosomes; males have 1 X and 1 Y chromosome), and just as only the man gives the seed the woman receives ad nourishes the seed to beget new life, so in the spiritual world: since sin came into the world through the man and not through the woman (Gen. 2.16), sin must be cast out of the world through the man and not through the woman. Hence the male Incarnation, Passion death and Resurrection of Christ the high priest. Ordination is not a question of superiority or inferiority, but a question of different roles that we play. Mary, who was never ordained nor did she ever asked to be, surpassed all priests, angels and saints combined. The man is the symbol of Christ and the woman is the symbol of the Church.
What is the idea that runs all through Scriptures? It is Nuptials. God’s Covenant i=with mankind is based on nuptials.
There are the nuptials of man and woman in the Garden of Eden; there were nuptials of divinity and humanity in the Blessed Mother; there were nuptials Israel and god in the Old Testament: in the prophet Hosea God says, “I your Creator am your husband.” God is the husband Israel – of the members of the Old Testament Church. And God has Hosea marry the prostitute Gomer who betrays him. And when the heart of Hosea is broken, God tells Hosea, “Take her back, take her back, for she is the symbol of Israel; Israel has been my unworthy spouse, but I love Israel and will never let her go.” And Hosea taking back the prostitute is the symbol of God’s love for the ecclesia of the Old Testament. And this is why the Church is referred to as the “body of Christ.” We should never call the Church a mere institution or an establishment – if we do so, the character of the nuptial bond is disrupted.
In the New Testament Jesus refers to himself as the “Bridegroom. ”When Jesus was asked why the disciples of John fasted, but His own did not, He answered: “Can you expect the men of the bridegroom’s company to go fasting, while the bridegroom is still with them? As long as they have the bridegroom with them, they cannot be expected to fast” (Mark 2:19).
In the Book of Revelation 21:1-4, 9-10 St. John relates, “I also saw the holy city, a new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, ‘Behold, God’s dwelling is with the human race. He will dwell with them and they will be his people and God himself will always be with them (as their God)’… One of the seven angels… said to me, ‘Come here. I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb. He took me in spirit to a great, high mountain and showed me the holy city Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God.’”
In the True Life on God messages, we encounter an exponentially increasing emphasis on the importance of nuptials. Why? Because God wishes to espouse us, the members of his body in a manner that St. Paul describes as “without spot or wrinkle” so that we as a whole may appear “as a bride adorned for her husband” or as the “spouse of the Lamb” (Eph. 5:27; Rev. 21:2, 9; 22:17). But this divine wedding feast cannot take unless it has begun on earth. And so three divine Persons express loving “Odes” to us in order to espouse us. And hat do spouses do? They possess each other; they become one flesh.
TLIG message of June 7, 1998 the Holy Spirit speaks:
(Sunday, Pentecost) – (The Holy Spirit continues His Divine Message of April 22, 1998.)
…I will show in this same manner My ineffable affection and My divine power to anyone who is willing… In these days I am descending together with the Father and the Son as three Witnesses; God the Father is Spirit, in that He sends Me, the Spirit of Truth, to be with you forever and lead you to the complete Truth;
the Word of God, Light and Saviour and who existed since the beginning, who is nearest to the Father’s Heart, has witnessed and made the Father known to you; you have been bought and paid for with His own Blood… and I, the Holy Spirit of Truth, who leads you to the complete Truth testify with Water;
therefore, We are three Witnesses and all three of Us agree as We are One God alone, with one Will, one Power and one Dominion…
how blessed you are, you whose ears I opened, may your ways remain straight in Our Wisdom so that you may do Our Divine Will…
I will bring as many as possible in union with Our Oneness and I will fill them with Light so that they will be filled with the absolute fullness of Our Trinitarian Deity;
…I renew you so that your natural inclinations that are so opposed to God and ever so human and worldly, leading you to death, can be transformed and deified in My Divinity and My Nobility and become as those of the angels and saints;
I am trying to draw you all into a filial union of divine Love with the Father and the Son and Myself so that you move in Us and We move in you;
…be confident and come to Me and from a rebel I will transfigure you into an upright being, leading your soul into sanctification and then sin will no longer have any power over you; sin is like an evil master in you and you should not give that master any opportunity in any instance to overrule you… My Law is a Law of Goodness and Life, overpowering all your evil inclinations;
come and find Me in simplicity of heart and fasten your heart on Me; do not come to Me with mistrust…
the souls who walk in the light of contrition and innocence will not be deprived from My Presence; I will fly to them from My Glory in a brilliant light, followed by myriads of angels to heal them…
to make you understand who is the Unique, Trinitarian God…
your abandonment to Me is the only way I could transform your mind to have the mind of Christ, discovering Our Will…
I, the formless one, take form in your spirit;
June 21, 1998
do not doubt of My [the Holy Spirit’s] power; do not doubt of My favour…
I am the inner Source of Christian Unity, and it is in Me you should put your hopes and your union; I am the Source of Hope, Faith and Love; Infinitely rich, I glory in My glory; I am the vivifying Spirit of the risen Son and the vivifying breath of your mortal bodies; and so you who live for Us [the Trinity], you will be vitalised by My Divine Power to be destined for glory; not only do I resurrect you, but I also give you a free way to enter Our glory, becoming Our adoptive child and heir to Our Kingdom…
enjoy the freedom I am giving you and possess Me as I would be possessing you, then, only then would My Reign begin in you …. it begins when your soul will become as beautiful as a bride dressed for her husband in her nuptial gown; you will then realise with tears in your eyes that you were not made to remain celibate but that you were My promised one and that I, the Holy Spirit, your promised One, the Bridegroom of all creation would sanctify your soul in My embraces and in royal munificence;
…all souls to which I am joined become brides, for in Our intimacy We draw them in Us to become their Bridegroom each day of their life; and they, enamoured of Us, willingly thrust themselves in Us and ever so completely to savour the fullness of Our Divine Love that they become one with Us [the Trinity]….
now, My dearest soul, have your rest in Me and remain My triumph; together with the Father and the Son, I tell you: love the Unique Trinitarian God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind;
Jesus Christ Speaks
February 3, 2003
…I need to re-educate My people to learn to pay tribute to the Father, to Me and to the Holy Spirit; to pay tribute to Our Glory and Power, tribute to Our Mercy and Goodness, tribute to Our miracles and Our signs; this is why I have to re-educate them to learn how to seek My Holy Face and recognise it; when your foundations fall to ruin, am I not to intervene? have you not read that I never ceased to work? but to believe that I have ceased to enrich My creation with abundant gifts as in ancient times, is the most harmful of heresies! every work that I do is full of glory and majesty; My Works are sublime and those who delight in them are right to fix their eyes on them; My courier, make haste at your King’s command to write this Ode, giving it the name:
“Odes of the Holy Trinity”
then make it known in every city, every province and honour Us; the Father will address you now…
God the Father Speaks
(The Father:)
creation, do not weep, do not mourn, but rejoice and be glad! raise no more dirges when your Creator is singing to you! but open your heart instead so that My Glory and My Light adorn you majestically…
rejoice in these times of Mercy and be glad!
…when My people groan and bemoan under the weight of oppression, or cry out under the tyranny of their enemies, no one thinks to ask, “where is God, who makes glad Odes ring out?” no one admits they have soiled their hands with godlessness; you are sentencing your own life, creation! My Ode now is to lead you to repentance and to acknowledge Me;…
many of you ask today with disbelief: “how can this hidden essence above every essence, absolutely inconceivable, that is God, be manifesting Himself in this most mystical way in our modern times and express Himself in such direct terms?…
I sing to you to invigorate and comfort you, to bound broken hearts and operate marvels in your heart; My Ode will be as sweet as honey to all mouths…
I am stepping out of the highest heaven, to call you and become one with Me;
I am giving Myself to you to discover My greatness and My Divinity;
it is the mystical union between the Creator and His creature;
the Bridegroom, who is your King as well, invites you to wed Him;
just like a bridegroom stepping out of his golden pavilion, shining like a sun with graciousness,
shimmering in his light, I step out of heaven to invite you into the Golden Chamber of My Heart, that is My Bosom and Love;
you, who never understood the depths of My Divine Love, nor that My Heart is your nuptial bed, …
in the Abyss of My Mercy I can wash you from every stain and purify you from all your sins, in order to obtain My heritage…
in order to be becomingly adorned and fragranced and worthy to enter in the Nuptial Chamber of the Divine and espouse Him I must transform you to be like the morning star, like the moon at the full, like the rainbow gleaming against brilliant clouds; when My Holy Spirit will put on you the splendid Garment, you will be like a bunch of myrrh, like roses in springtime; when you will be clothed with Christ Himself, your wedding gown, you will be dressed in glorious perfection, ready to go up to the holy altar to meet your Bridegroom, where Divine Grace will lead you to be… I will grant you then, My own, the sight of My Divine Face; although you will still be on earth, you will be in Me…
your King, overflowing with Love, will lean forward towards His bride and will hold gently her head, reposing it on His Bosom, saying in a melodious Voice these words to you: “Now I am holding you fast;” while a ray of radiant light would stream out of My Mouth and cover you…
“I am giving Myself to you to possess Me and discover Me within your heart, My own; discover Me in My transcendent Light and you will shine on every one of your members like Moses’ face shone upon seeing Me face to face; come forward and I will shine on each one of your members;”
the Nuptial Chamber where I lead every soul
to take part in My Mystical Marriage…
- Pope John Paul II, The Theology of the Body, Pauline Books & Media, Boston 1997, p.458.
- Inside the Vatican, article by Amorth, Fr. Gabriel, January 1994 edition, Rome, Italy.