In January 2014

A new message that God the Father gave to Vassula on January 14, 2014

On both January 16 and 17 2014 Vassula gave her witness in Barcelona, Spain.

On January 20, 2014 the TLIG Association in Austria presented the DVD “Prophecies and Warnings” with German subtitles. After the DVD people bought TLIG books and many donated to the Beth Myriam for Philippines.

From January 22 to January 25, 2014 there was a TLIG International Ecumenical. Retreat organized by TLIG Spain in Fatima in Portugal.

We reported on the positive review of Vassula’s book “Heaven is real but so is Hell”, given by Cardinal Grech from the Vatican and published in the popular magazine: “Inside the Vatican”. We also told you about the live broadcasts of the Rosary in various languages on TLiG radio and about the tligfacebook pages.


In February 2014

On February 1, 2014 Vassula gave a talk in Banneux, Belgium. This talk was given in French. We reported on an encouraging letter written by Arch Bishop Andre Joseph Leonard in Brussels, who had been pleased to receive a copy of True Life in God and was enthusiastic about Vassula’s visit to his country.

On February 2, 2014 she gave her witness in Hilversum, Netherlands.  This talk was given in English with Dutch translation.

On February 9, 2014 we also reported on a talk given by Mrs Irine Zoppa which was well attended in a theatre in Athens, Greece.  Mrs Zoppa talked about the unceasing prayer and how we should study these messages.


In March.

We told you of another successful DVD showing, this time in Austria, where donations were raised for the Beth Myriam in the Philippines.


In April 2014 

At Easter time, between April 15 and April 22, 2014, Vassula gave her testimony in Medjugorje. TLIG people who united to celebrate Easter in Medjugorje and hear Vassula’s witness, came from 15 countries were both Catholics and Orthodoxs  During this time, Vassula had a private meeting with Vicka, one of the visionaries, and shared with her about her mission and the TLIG messages. Vassula had two meetings in Medjugorje. The audience seemed amazed by what Vassula had to say. The president of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, His Excellency Zivko Budimir, attended Vassula’s speech and met her in person. 


In May 2014

Ιn May, His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and His Holiness Pope Francis had a historic meeting in the Old City of Jerusalem where they signed a Joint Declaration affirming their commitment to and anticipation of full sacramental unity in obedience to the commandment of Jesus Christ that his «disciples may be one.»

In May a  TLiG  meeting took place in Tyrol, Austria which was addressed by Mr Erwin Schlacher, a Tlig witness for more than 20 years.

In May also was Vassula‘s mission in Australia and Solomon Islands. Vassula gave her talk to a large audience at the Concourse, Sydney. She held the attention of all 600 people in the auditorium, moving them deeply. She was interviewed for the Al-Horreya TV (The Freedom Channel), an Egyptian Channel that broadcasts from USA. The Kingston City Hall, Melbourne was full, approx. 700 persons.Vassula gave her witness at the Manning Clark Center in the Australian National University in Canberra. More than 400 people attended her witness at the Logan Entertainment Center.

In Solomon Islands Vassula met with the Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo at the Office of the Prime Minister & Cabinet, OPMC, in Honiara where they both exchanged welcoming gifts.

Vassula spoke in a large outdoor meeting hall to more than 3,000 joyful attendees. A youth choir sang inspiring hymns and praises to the Lord. Rain started to pour down on the tin roof making a lot of noise, but all of this seemed natural and nobody was disturbed. She spoke about why God comes in this way through the Messages, and about intimacy, repentance and Unity.

On May 16, Vassula had a meeting with the clergy from different Churches, and ecumenical representatives of the Soloman Islands.

On 30th-31st  of May , 2014 a  TLiG  meeting took place in Tyrol, Austria . The main theme of the meeting was how to spread the TLiG messages in Austria.  


In June 2014

Between June 4 and 8, 2014 a TLiG retreat took place in Vadstena, Sweden. Attendants at the retreat came from the Maronite, the Lutheran and from the Catholic Church. During the retreat people prayed the rosary, sang hymns to the Holy Trinity, attended Holy Masses and meditated on the Bible and TLiG messages. The program also included silent meditation and talks on Unity.



News 2014 Annual review Part (2)

Dear listeners, we wish you a happy and holy Christmas and a blessed new year! You are listening to TLIG radio and here is the second part of the annual news review of 2014 featuring some of many TLiG events which took place this year.


In July, 2014

A priest from Switzerland who is reader and supporter of tlig gave a talk in Berlin, Potsdam and  Wusseken about TLIG spirituality. He started his talk by explaining to people who were present about his personal experience about the messages which was very amazing. When reading the true life in God messages, someone can recognize that they are coming from God and this actually is a reminder of what He has already made known from the Bible.


In August 2014

A tlig retreat took place in a location (in Vallendar-Schönstatt ) near River Rhine in Germany. The program included rosaries, holy masses and Eucharistic adoration. The retreatants?  shared their ?testimonies on how they learnt about Tlig and discussed ideas for spreading the messages to the world.


In September 2014

On September 7, and on October 19, 2014, the Greek tlig group hosted two events in a local theater in Athens. Vassula’s talk in Abington was shown to people who came that evening at the theater to learn more of what TLIG is about.

Vassula visited the Democratic Republic of Congo ( Kinshasa-Kisangani-Lubumbashi)

Her speech had been scheduled for 2 o’clock in the afternoon at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Rosary. Fr. Jacques was simultaneously translating the speech into Swahili. With rhythmic applause and cries of joy and enthusiasm specific to their African tradition, about 50.000 people honoured the Lord