This third meditation for Unity week is a very short talk given by Monsingor Isidore Battika to the international pilgrims of TLIG in Syria in 2005. He had never read True Life in God and had never heard of Vassula. Our visit there was a surprise to him. When you read his comments
TLIG Mail Unity Week
it is a very powerful confirmation of
teachings on unity in the messages. His talk is what you could call
«real life» – as it is based on actual experience in Syria. The
footnote at the bottom of the page is a must read along with the
article .
Good evening!
My problem is in which language I should speak. In Greek? Ellinika? Arabic? Or do you prefer French? English is better. So you have to support my poor English. OK? If you don’t understand you tell me, so maybe I speak in Arabic.
Welcome in Damascus! I am the Patriarchate Vicar for the Greek Catholic in Damascus. I will tell you the reality of the church in Syria. to read more click here