The word Paraskevi has two meanings: prepare the way of the Lord, and, in Greek, it means Friday. Below is a link that takes you to a web page dedicated to St. Paraskevi – the healer of eyes. shrine_stparaskevi.html

Also, below are excerpts from TLIG about Vassula and her special relationship to St Paraskevi.

May 1, 1992

«since I was to encroach on My Enemy’s plans already, I had to bring your soul to consent with Me and strengthen you from the beginning; I said: sanctify yourself already and fast from your birth, this is what I desire: I shall not give you light at your birth; 1 for three days and for three nights you will remain in the dark, this is how you will fast;»

When I was born, my eyes were stuck together; they were shut. I opened my eyes only after 3 days. My mother filled with fright that I might be perhaps without eyes asked and prayed to our Saint Paraskevi (a Greek saint for the eyes) for help and vowed to give me her name after Vassula. Paraskevi in Greek means: Friday.

September 6, 1995

«Paraskevi, raise your eyes now and look at Me; I promise you that Hope will not be given to you alone, but to all, all those who are thirsty; has anyone heard anything like this? and as for you, Paraskevi, I will take you into My service and make out of you a Tree; your roots will be growing in My Garden so that your foliage remains green, so that your fruit has My Name inscribed on it; and I, Myself, will be your Keeper and water you from My Fountain of Living Water …. and, as Companion and Friend, I will give you Wisdom who will educate and raise you to transmit, later on, this Hope in perfection, to all mankind

February 8, 1995

I have taught you and have given you a disciple’s tongue to be My Echo and to put My Kingdom in their hearts; in your eyes, Paraskevi, 1 I have given you My Light;

The Grotto Shrine of the Miraculous Healing Holy Waters of Saint Paraskevi

Since the day of the healing of the Emperor’s eyes, the spring at Therapia, Turkey, has been commonly known as the «Spring of St. Paraskevi». Subsequently, it was discovered that this water had been blessed with miraculous healing powers, especially in reference to eye disorders. For this reason, the Orthodox Church proclaimed this spring a Shrine of the Miraculous Healing Holy Water of St. Paraskevi, and the Saint herself, the «patron saint of the blind». In due time, the faithful of the area erected a stone grotto over the Holy Spring. This grotto and Spring still exist today as a silent, but clear manifestation of the love and mercy of God. Even more humbling and sobering is the record of literally tens, of thousands of healings that have occurred over the years.

According to John Yakovou, ‘vision and sight’ do not refer exclusively to physical blindness, «but to the ability to see truth and to face it courageously.» While most pilgrims are granted only this mystical experience, many have also been granted the gift of physical vision. Hardly a week passes that some miraculous healing isn’t reported. There is no logical explanation, special pattern, unique procedure or formula, the healings occur at the will of God. Truly, «He works in strange and wondrous ways»; most often above our level of comprehension, but always with a definite purpose and goal. For example, it is highly significant that the healing of the Emperor would take place at Therapia, which is the Greek word for therapy.

These are just a few of the miraculous healings we have witnessed. There have been numerous healings involving glaucoma, cataracts, detached retinas, and a whole host of other eye disorders. Other maladies such as bone marrow disease, skin cancer, lung cancer, and nervous disorders have also been cured. Pilgrims have come from far and near to venerate the Holy Icon of St. Paraskevi, and to partake of the Holy Water. Likewise, requests for Holy Water have come from throughout the United States, from both Orthodox and non-Orthodox.

The Shrine is open daily, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Every Thursday, evening a Paraclesis is chanted and names are read. Once a month a Divine Liturgy is celebrated. All visitors are welcome to participate in the services and to partake of the Holy Water and the blessings of Saint Paraskevi.