Three links

08 October 2000 14:31

This mailing is slightly unusual in that it is merely suggesting three links that subscribers might like to view.

The first is quite a moving little ‘movie’ which highlights the ‘Hail Mary’. The item has been constructed by a reader of the TLIG messages but who describes himself as «non-Catholic and non-Protestant» and he isn’t an Orthodox either!

The item can be found and viewed at:

It needs to be pointed out, however, that to view it, your browser needs to have the ‘Flash’ plugin installed. I think many people might already have this ‘plugin’ installed but, if not, I think installation can be achieved fairly easily by just clicking on the options provided when you try to view the item.

The other two suggested links are to ‘webcams’ which allow you to view a location in real time 24hours a day.

The first of these webcam pages looks over the Temple Mount area in Jerusalem and can be found at: (during afternoons, the quality can be poor due to the effects of the glare of the sun)

The second looks over the city of Rome and includes the dome of St Peter’s. The link is: