Monday, November 10, 2003 7:42 AM
from Vassula
Dear TLIG readers,
News has circulated about TLIG messages being taken out of their context and commented upon by people who have a specific agenda. Jesus has made it clear to me not to produce any comments of my own to the messages but only to speak of what the Lord has taught me and on what the Holy Spirit has enlightened me to understand and pass on. Also, Christ has asked me not to take messages out of their context, as this distorts them and damages the messages and damages the truth. I would like all readers to follow the instructions given to me by Jesus. Do not take out of their context passages of TLIG to explain them or print them out. The devil now is very hard at work. He has always been but in these days I feel he has put the 5th gear on.
I also wish to make it clear again that the Lord has called us all to evangelize with love for Love. The witnesses should follow the pattern laid out in the 27 questions. These were given by the Holy Spirit.
We are called to heal, console, encourage and bring forth good fruit. But there is a case in our days that has distorted the call of mercy of God to fit in his own purpose and wage war on the church and its bishops. This sort of evil behaviour is against the teachings of the Holy Spirit. Jesus says very often in the messages that He loves the Church which He bought with His own blood. We have to build up and not hack down.
In Christ,