Laying on of hands (2)
21 May 2001 14:23
Following some responses to his letter about ‘Laying on of hands’ (May 19), Fr. John Abberton here provides some further advice and clarification. Additionally, a file containing some information about the Vatican’s recent document on Prayers for Healing is attached to the mailing.
I am in no way suggesting that any barriers should be erected against the Holy Spirit. One of the virtues we need is that of prudence. It is a virtue, not a barrier. I deliberately put «rules» in inverted commas because I know how such a word can be misinterpreted. I accept the validity of charismatic gifts, but all gifts are subject to careful discernment. If I am going to err it will be on the side of being careful rather than in being naive. Satan is extremely clever, and can encourage things that look good and praiseworthy, but contain hidden poison. It seems to me that Vassula’s warnings are very important at this time and should be taken seriously.
I too have had much experience in charismatic renewal (not all of it good, I’m afraid!). I certainly do accept the validity of the gifts and I am quite happy to pray in tongues and spend time with others who are very much involved in the «renewal». I have certain views about such things and I speak from my own experience as others speak from theirs. I also speak as a spiritual director of a mystic with over 20 years experience in this, and as a diocesan exorcist.
Generally speaking, I would rather follow the example of St. John of the Cross who, if he erred, would have erred on the side of caution. Being cautious is not being dismissive; it is what it says it is – being cautious.
When I spoke about a priest exercising a «valid» gift or ministry, this is a theological term meaning that it is possible for someone to have a true gift, and a gift that will operate when used, but as genuine «charismatics» know, gifts have to be used with care, and we need discernment as to when and where we should use them (depending on the gift). God expects us to be sensible and to grow in our understanding of how to use the gifts are given. The key gift is always going to be discernment whilst the greatest gift is always going to be charity.
The fact that some priests do not want to be involved in prayer groups or in the use of charismatic gifts does not mean that we should not pray over each other or use the gifts. However, it is important to pray for discernment and to be careful. This is all I am saying. I know that some groups will be very good, but there could be others that, for now at least, need to stop using certain gifts until problems have been dealt with.
In all renewal movements and groups – in all spiritual movements – even in TLIG, there are dangers because of human weakness. We should always seek the giver over the gifts. God is greater than any of his gifts, and gifts, in any case, are given for «a good purpose» and for the glory of God. We need always to keep in mind that «God alone suffices» (St. Teresa) and simply, be careful.
Fr. John Abberton