Testimony from Chile
16 May 2001 12:04
Just I was about to send out to the mailing list the following testimony from a lady in Chile, written in August 1999, another lady from Chile sent an email which referred to the apparitions of our Lady in Penablanca.
I copy her little testimony first:
«Many of us were present during apparitions of the most Blessed Mother at
Penablanca in Chile, (not that we saw Her) and it was there where we
received the Second Pentecost, according to Vassula’s explanation. Our
Mother said that She came to Chile to save souls that go to perdition.
Prepare for the Second Coming of Christ. Fear not. It will be very
soon. Repent, make sacrifice, go to confession, adore the Lord, he is so
alone, at least for 5 minutes, and many other messages, we saw the sun
miracle many times. It is so great that TLIG clarified many things to us
and we are trying to live as the Lord asks us. We cannot separate both
facts, one came first, the other reinforced more our faith, then we read
Valtorta’s Poem the Man-God, Father Gobbi, Small souls (Margarite), etc.
It is like the Lord sent us so many tools to really transform us. Our
Lady asked us to pray daily the 15 mysteries of the Rosary, and we do it.
It has been a new life since then, and with Vassula, we specially
understood the real need of Unity and began to love our brothers.»
My name is Olga, I am middle aged, single and live in Santiago, Chile. Even though I was raised a Christian, my religious education was very poor. At home, only my mother was a Catholic and thanks to her, I received the basics of Catholicism.
As a teenager, I put aside religious principles and was caught by the world, doing almost everything that was forbidden by the laws of God. In 1985, I learnt of the apparitions of our Lady in Penablanca, Chile, and suffered a very deep conversion. I started then a completely different life, which was maintained until the middle 90’s, but slowly became caught up by the world again, and was trapped in an improper sentimental situation. I prayed and begged our Lady and the Sacred Heart of my beloved Jesus to help me to come out of it, but I fell over and over again, until I learnt that Vassula was publishing «books». I was strongly interested in reading her «books» ….
They completely transformed me, not only to come out of my life of sin, but changed dramatically my whole life, in general, and especially my prayer life. The first messages touched me so much, that I continued reading them only while I was visiting the Holy Sacrament – it did not seem proper to me to read them anywhere else – it was God talking!. Every evening, after work, I went to church, sat in front of the Holy Sacrament, and «listened» (read) to the Lord speaking to me …
I find it hard to believe that anybody that really believes that it is Jesus himself talking, could remain indifferent to His so great loving calls. And I started to «know» Jesus first. My heart was literally inflamed by His Love – and I felt that I was attending a Sacred and Loving School, where my sweet and beloved Teachers – Jesus, our Abba, the loving Holy Spirit and our most loved Mom – were teaching me as if I was a tiny little nothing, miserable among miserable, but so loved, so much loved by Them … who could resist? I couldn’t .. and I feel that nothing I do, even if I spent the rest of my life on my knees, thanking Them, could never be enough.
Then, I started to «know» the Father, Who until then was some vague and distant Figure, to whom I would never dare call … and I started to feel myself closer and closer to Him, and now He is not just my Father anymore – He is my Dad, my Daddy, to whom my soul, in its misery, looks up in adoration and abandonment. They are my Family, my real Family, my most adored and loved Family.
My Lord gave me then the fervour to work for Him – and I joined the TLIG group here in Santiago, and we are trying to evangelise through mails with His messages, and with His help, will start visiting prisons to take Him and His Word to the needy. We will also organise ‘video-talks’ with the videos of conferences given by Vassula in different places.
I am now trying to live my life only for Him. He is showing things in me that are wrong and that need to be changed, and is giving me the strength to do so. Receiving Him now in the Holy Host is a supreme, sacred and solemn act of Love -on His part, because He gives Himself to me to give me life, and in my nothing and terrible misery, I try to give myself to Him for Him to do with me as He pleases. I am trying to really abandon myself to Him, praying hard to Him for this, and I know that He will give it to me, according to His will.
I Looking back, it seems to me that my dearest sweet Mom, Our Lady, prepared me first through the Apparitions of Penablanca, and changed me enough to recognise my wrong doings and to be able to at least pray, really hard, for salvation when I was again trapped by evil. And as my dearest Jesus says, He heard my cry and came in my rescue,
There are still many things in my life I must change – things that I did in the past that are not yet paid for. I know, with absolute certainty, that my adored Family will help me, and all I want from life now, and They know it, is to Love them more every day, to abandon myself to Them in a more complete way everyday, and to serve Them. I am already living Their reward for the love and happiness they give me every moment of my life is impossible to describe in simple words. We all have problems, difficulties and pains in our lives – we are living the Tribulation, I think – but you suffer them in such peace, that they do not seem to hurt that much, even more when by it They are giving us the opportunity to offer our pains, sorrows, joys and miseries to Them. Then, everything becomes a joy.
Other than being sadly aware of all my horrible sins and mistakes in the past, it seems to me that I was born to life only a year ago, when My adored Family arranged thing so that the first book of Vassula winded up on my lap. I cannot imagine living in any other way. I really do not care about the things of the world anymore (I am trying, to be more precise). Simple things, nature looks so beautiful, I feel more love for my brothers – much more pity for those who have not received the undeserved and immense grace I received, to change their lives and I pray for them.
Please forgive me for the length of this testimony – I could be talking of the Lord for years and never get tired.