A Transforming Experience

22 February 2001 11:29

Those who attended the TLIG conference in the Holy Land last year will not forget the presentation which Archimandrite Eugene Pappas gave which had to be given almost ‘straight off the plane’. He decided, then, not to read from his prepared text and it has been a transcript of the talk he actually gave which has, until now, appeared on the web site.

At his request, this transcript has now been replaced with his prepared speech. It can be read at: /pappas.html

The talk can be supplied as a Word file on request.

Copied below is an additional testimony from him which will be included in the introduction to the latest volume of messages which will become available ‘soon’. (The latest volume of messages in French is now available – further information from [email protected] )

True Life In God: A Transforming Experience

Once in a long while an extraordinary event occurs that people mark in their minds and hearts, and date subsequent events from this marker. Such is the experience of an open heart reading «True Life In God» whose messages -I am convinced- are of Divinely inspired origin and are granted to us prophetically (Acts 2:17), through Mrs. Vassula Ryden.

I will not belabor the point that these writings are scripturally intact and correct. Nor will I dwell on the fact that those who approach these messages with skepticism will remain skeptics. Nor will I try to explain why God has chosen Vassula to convey to us His word, once more. No «new» Good News are being announced, yet, God’s children hear the voice of their Father and know that it is He who speaks. He speaks to remind us of His eternal truths and to explain those things of His Word that have been ignored or miscalculated. The effects of His message and the impact of His words to His children are extraordinary. They are transforming. They are rejuvenating. This is what I want to talk about -albeit briefly- in this note.

I want to let everyone who reads this to know of a remarkable event. It is my experience that those that read and follow the messages of True Life In God behave as if they have been reborn into Christ! They have put on Christ as if to be enveloped by Him. They embrace their faith with a fire that is akin to that of the early neophyte Christians! They are even more attracted to their Church and follow Church Traditions and Sacramental Life with a rare devotion! From what I have observed, they live a life that is a true life in God!

What else could I as a pastor want from my flock of God? If these messages make them better Christians; if as a result of their reading of True Life In God they flock back into the Church and its Sacraments; if they not only understand their faith better, but are totally focused on living a Christ-like life; if they overflow with love for God and their neighbor; if they embrace an intimacy with God that resembles those of the Saints; if they submit their will to God and become examples for others; if the True Life In God messages cause such transformations, what more could I ask of my spiritual flock and congregation?

This transformation I have witnessed is without a doubt a «good fruit» of the Holy Spirit and hence the messages themselves must come from God (Matt. 7:20). I therefore will continue to study and draw from the Spirituality I have found in True Life In God.

Archimandrite Eugene Nicolau, Greek Orthodox Church, New York, USA February 20, 2001

[there is a prayer request attached to this email]