Pilgrimage 2002

Friday, April 27, 2001 9:14 PM

Vassula wants ALL those (no exceptions!) who have applied for a place on next year’s pilgrimage to provide DETAILED information of their TLIG activity. She is requesting that this information is provided URGENTLY. Please send responses to: [email protected]

Vassula has also asked for the following notice to be sent out:

Important information for Pilgrims on the TLIG pilgrimage in 2002.

During our pilgrimage there will either be a daily R.C. Mass or an Orthodox Divine Holy Liturgy. We will not have both services on one day because it will be like having two Masses per day.

A Divine Orthodox Liturgy is the counterpart of a Catholic Mass. Every day there will be a Catholic Mass or an Orthodox Divine Liturgy.

In the Orthodox Divine Liturgy, the partaking of Christ’s Body and Blood in the Holy Eucharist is the real presence of Christ as Roman Catholics profess in the Host. Reverence to His Presence in both Eucharistic forms and traditions of the Orthodox and Catholics is essential to sincere reconciliation, unity and worship.

It needs to be understood that this will be the programme.