Dr. Niels Hvidt, Mark Jordan, Vassula, Jonathan Kosoy and Elisabeth Hvidt |
It is almost like I have to hear something ten times until I “get it.” Is this why Jesus in His School – the TLIG Messages – repeats himself? I, for one, need that repetition!
In so many ways I am in a sort of stupefied state most of the time; lulled to sleep by the world, the flesh and the devil. Or to put it in easier to hear terms, “The cares of this world, etc.” But we know there is a battle going on and the front – the landscape – of the battle is inside each of our souls. We know in scripture and in the messages we are implored to stay awake…STAY AWAKE!!!
I want to share a few thoughts from the past Valentines Day that I absorbed from Vassula. Yes, around her kitchen table. It is really one thought. I will give it to you now:
We are all defaulting on paying back to God the graces we have received from His Message.
No way would I have the thought deeply impressed into me, to even try to love Jesus and the Father, without TLIG. Out of this striving to love our Creator, it is like my soul is able to breathe and in so many ways it is the power of the messages themselves that bring me this breath – this inspiration. Well, big deal…right?
Now these are just words on a page. I am trying to explain the power and grace in the Messages. These graces, I feel, I know and they are real. I think many readers will understand what I am trying to explain. If you do not understand and cannot relate to it, start at the beginning of the TLIG Message and read a little every day with a prayerful attitude and I guarantee you, too, will understand.
The most powerful joy we can have in life is to find and love our Creator and to feel His love for us. What higher joy is there in life than LOVE? And whose love matches His love?
This planet is a wasteland; a desert; a wilderness, with millions and millions, nay billions, of starving people. Many people cannot tell their right hand from their left; they have no discernment. They pay money for false spiritual food – junk food. They do not even know what a decent meal looks like, a decent spiritual meal.
They do not have the faintest inkling that True Life in God stands alone – no one, no where in the history of the church has produced a prophetic revelation of this length, this clarity, that speaks to us now about our times. They have no inkling that there is a feast of spiritual food there free for the taking that can revive their soul; breathe life into them; help them to find God and to love God.
Now here is the point: in TLIG, those of us who know this, those of us who can see, those of us who know, the value of the treasure of the Messages we have in our hands, those of us who have received this grace: we have to give something back!
We have to give back to Jesus Christ. He wants us to Love Him back! Love is a holistic expression of thoughts, feelings and actions. We show our love to others not just in words and feelings but also by doing things for them. And we know what pleases God the most is to bring him a soul.
“Your Lord God desires equality of Love from you;
yes, I alone can clothe you in My splendour and give you the indispensable Light; I alone, in My Divinity can impress upon your soul My Image of Holiness; it is I, your God who can perfect you and lift you to travel with Me in My company; come to Me and prolong your gaze on My Holy Face so that you may understand fully that you are joint heiress with Me, united to Me and in Me…receive, daughter – of – the King, more of Me, allowing Me to receive more of you;” (April 25th, 1999)
“My Vassula, I want equality of love…
love Me and aspire from Me all the divine inspirations which belong to the sons and daughters of the Most High;” (March 9, 1999)
Nobody works for Vassula or for a legal foundation or association – just like Vassula, we all work for the LORD. In scripture this is the parable of the talents. How many of us have taken this talent and buried it? So few people really work to pay back on the grace they have received. Very few people work to spread the Messages of TLIG to the millions of starving people. Many are already spiritually dead or dying.
Time is short. The need is urgent. We must wake up and to quote Msgr. Kriekenbeeck who spoke on TLIG with such power and clarity (during our TLIG Egypt pilgrimage in 2002)…for those who know the graces they have received from TLIG, now is the time for ACTION!!! Action – we can’t just think and feel we have to perform acts of will. We have to get out of our comfort zone and take action to spread the Messages and to live the Messages. If we fail to do this, we default on the graces we were given.
Here are Msgr. Kriekenbeek’s words:
The second part of the Gospel is accountability…accountability. He is saying that we have to take action, because if we do not, and then the judgment comes, we will pay for every idle action, idle word, every penny, every disobedience, every disunity, every faction, every proud arrogance. We will pay for that. And, therefore, the Message is: the sign of the times is the call for unity and we must act.
And if we do not act, we are accountable to God. We are grateful to True Life in God, because It does read the signs of the times, It does answer the call for unity and It has taken action. And this is our response. Amen. Praise the Lord!
Our task now is to take this back to our countries. To all 60 countries, and witness to unity in our personal life, in our family, in our community, in our fraternity, so that God will see, so that God will discover, that we live a True Life in God, in our mind, in our heart, and in our actions. Amen.
You can view his remarks online at this URL: /en/spirituality/pilgrimages/
Do you think all the church leaders can make unity? Do you think they understand what the TLIG Messages mean by unity? Do they want this kind of unity? We have to present the TLIG vision.
If church leaders agree on the date of Easter, all wars on the planet will stop.
We can have global peace; everything will fall into place. Everything will be better for everybody. This is what Vassula was explaining to me.
Which is the right date? The right date is the date where Orthodox and Catholics celebrate Easter together – that is the right date!!! What are we doing to help them? The holiest feast in Christianity, which is the religion of love…Divine love, yet the followers of this cannot agree to celebrate together! This is a symptom. The disease, which is unto death, is diagnosed in the Messages.
How unity will happen is from the bottom up – from us, the people. We have to make unity – millions of us – and then the clergy will follow. Vassula likes to give the example of Ramallah in the Holy Land where there is a small minority of Christians. Just outside of Jerusalem, this small Palestinian town recently celebrated Easter on one date: Orthodox and Catholic Christians wanted to be together. They were such a small minority and knew each other anyway. They wanted to celebrate together, so the Catholics went to the Orthodox and the clergy did not support it. It was the people who decided and then, in the end, the priests went along with it. Unity will not come only from the authorities in the churches, it has to come from us, from below, and Vassula revealed why the leaders in the church cannot make unity. She gave me the secret.
Here is a question for all of us; Laity, priests, religious, bishops; do we love Jesus Christ enough? If we really loved Christ do you think there would be this massive apostasy, of spiritual death, across the western world in particular? This apostasy our Christian leaders do not want to see? We must all look into our own hearts, wherever we stand in relation to others. Remember the words of Christ: “From the one to whom much has been given, much will be expected” (Luke 12:48). To have a position of influence and leadership at this critical time is to be in a position of grace and responsibility. We must pray for all those who are now being called to act for the sake of unity and peace; they are our brothers, and we are their keepers in love and prayer.
Jonathan Kosoy