Our Holy Mother writes in Her message: These days are a preparation for the descent of your King; pray so that everybody will be ready; pray, My little children, fervently for those souls who refuse to hear and refuse to see, pray to your Father who is in Heaven in this way:

Jesus reminds us in that way: Beloved ones, I am the Light of the world and before you I am walking; still, I am telling you this: there are other sheep I have that are not of your fold, I will lead all these as well under My Renovated Church so that there will be one flock and one Shepherd; go out to the nations and teach them to pray to the Father this prayer:



Father all Merciful,
let those who hear and hear again
yet never understand,
hear Your Voice this time and
understand that it is You,
the Holy of Holies;
open the eyes of those who see and see,
yet never perceive,
to see with their eyes this time
Your Holy Face and Your Glory,
place Your Finger on their heart
so that their heart may open
and understand Your Faithfulness,
I pray and ask you all these things Righteous Father,
so that all the nations be converted and be healed
through the Wounds of Your Beloved Son,
Jesus Christ; Amen

-Our Holy Mother (May 15, 1990)
-Jesus (July 8, 1990)