May 1, 1995
My Lord:
may Your Holy Name
be held glorious for ever.
My heart flutters with joy at Your Presence
and I rejoice in Your favour;
and everything You order me to do
I try promptly to carry out.
In Your Presence
I experience the sweetness of Your Heart
and Your teachings which are:
Life, Joy, Peace, Love and Sanctity.
They are a Song for our soul,
revealing the hidden mysteries of Your Kingdom.
But when I sing Your Love Song
with all my heart and voice
and bless Your Name thrice holy,
they come crashing upon me
calling me “a wrong-doer”,
they sit on a judicial bench
with a sceptre of falsehood,
always trying to invent new accusations;
when will they renounce their fault?
lean on Me, I am with you; let not those things worry your heart; I am in charge of My Church, so never feel discouraged; Vassula, My flower, remember: there was no one to instruct you but Myself; I came to teach you and through you others; I am your Teacher and I love you; learn from Sweetness itself; learn, My pupil, without self-interest and pass on without reserve;
look, My child, I am known not to stand in awe of human greatness; if these became judges and omit to observe holy things holily, they will be adjudged themselves as unholy; have you forgotten that I was treated as a blasphemer and I was condemned for this reason? so why are you surprised to be judged as someone who uses perverted and abusive language? they judged Me by human standards as they judge you today; My child, fear not, lo tedhal! on the Day of Judgement they will come trembling in front of My Throne to the reckoning of their sins unless they repent before their day; their ruthless judgement on you will be ruthless as well on them; their accusations will accuse them;
I tell you, Vassula, one day, in My courts and on the Judgement Day, all those who accused you and sneered at you will be struck with remorse for having rejected My Inexhaustible Treasure from which their spirit could have acquired Wisdom and won My friendship, this friendship that would have led them into the beauty of My Sovereignty and Splendour and the intimacy of their God; your accusers will look at you and say, as Scriptures say: “this is the one we used to laugh at once, a butt for our sarcasm, fools that we were! her life we regarded as madness ….” and you, My child, will face every one of those who have oppressed you, and they will realise how bitter they made My Cup ….
remain with Me in My agony, I need your friendship; pray and say to Me these words:
“my Lord,
may the words of my mouth
find favour and consolation
for Your Sacred Heart;
“Redeemer of the world,
why do they weave plans against You
over and over again?
“Consoler of Your kin,
why do they keep loading You
with sorrow and grief?
“Friend of mankind,
why do Your Own
deny your wounded Heart
and plant banners of trouble in sin
all through their life?
the heavens openly declare Your Glory
and Your Voice is heard
to the ends of the world, calling out:
‘return to Me and I will give you
a new life for your soul;’
“but scorn is what You receive,
my Redeemer;
and ah, so many jeer at Your Call,
my Consoler!
“Friend of mankind, Perfect Beauty,
Light Thrice Holy,
Your Love is betrayed again,
denied and tested;
Your enemies multiply
and their violence increases;
“Sacrificial Lamb,
accused by Your accusers,
attacked constantly by Your attackers,
when will You appear on Your horse as:
Warrior for Justice?”
My Own, never leave My Heart; My enemies persecute you but in reality are persecuting Me; 1 My angel, My child, the Father is sending you to travel for Us and testify, this is why My label is on you; take courage, I am beside you; call Me when you are weary and I will lift you; fill My assemblies and do not be afraid; I am the One who will intervene in times of tyranny practised on you, so be patient;