April 27, 2018
Blessed be my Lord, who did not leave me go astray or fall, but broke my cage and let me fly away from the Deceiver; our help is in the Holy Name of Yahweh, most Gracious, Most Loving and Tender Father,
yes, Yahweh will have pity on this generation and will visit soon His people, and guide them into everlasting paths…
My daughter! I, Yahweh, pour on you My Blessings; refuse Me nothing, never say: ‘I give up;’
why, have You ever heard me say that?
no, I did not hear you say these words, although I heard it from others; you are as a sample, sent by Me to others; listen and write:
I have you knitted together in My Flesh; those who are born of the Spirit are the flesh of My Flesh, the bone of My Bone, these will get support from Me of every kind; they will be called heroes of your times, blessed offspring of the Most High, labourers of Yahweh’s Vineyard, yes, My Vineyard is the House in which My Son, Jesus Christ, abides…
listen and write down this prayer:
“Yahweh, my Lord,
I am invoking You to shelter me;
I come to You, supplicating You,
to enter my house,
my hands lifted like the evening offering,
I unfold all my troubles to You,
may my prayers rise like incense
in Your Celestial Courts,
listen to my cry for help!
yes, unfold all your troubles to Me, never let your spirit fail you; I will be there, with you, I will always guide you; then will your light shine within the Light and be one with the Light;
my Vassula! since eons ago I knew you, I knew you since then, I knew already then that I would use you as My Harp, that the melodies in which its vibrating notes will sound, they will be heard like rippling waters and will be heard by a people estranged from My Word, a distant lot, yes, My Love will be displayed in music, in poetry and virtue; the poor in spirit will receive My notes with praise; the ones who never knew Me will receive Me as a New Song; never doubting, and will take refuge in Me;
remember My Holiness, My child and praise Me; serving Me in My Courts and in My Presence is a great privilege for you, child!
I know dear Lord! I know You are the Most High over the world far transcending any other god, in Your Presence are Splendour and Majesty, incomparable Beauty and Power!
hold on to Me, joy of My Heart, devout yourself on My Work and continue to serve Me; I have you thrusted out of My Arms as a lily into a world of thistles; to many you are as an enigma, to others a mystery; yet, be brave, do not let the hard pressed make you retreat or those who disconnect you from My Message! for My Message is written and engraved all over you; you are the carrier of My Message and one with it, inseparable from it, and if one had spiritual eyes to see, they would see that every Word I pronounced has been marked on you, as a seal; therefore, one cannot go without the other, can it?
remain in My Presence, child, and I will be guiding you with advice;
Vassula, appease My wrath on this generation, by allowing Me to use your hand and time to write My Messages; Love is near you all the time, daughter!