January 14, 2014

How can I repay you for all You’ve done for me?

flower,  as God’s beloved daughter, I enabled you to grow in Me so that I live in your heart and mature you in Me! This was to show this generation and for future generations to come My Goodness and Mercy, how extraordinary rich I am in Grace.

let Your generosity extend to all the living, I could say much more and still fall short! 

be like a fire, blazing with love for my people, daughter, I will give you sufficient strength to glorify Me; My Work is not finished in you, I still have musical melodies to set in My Messages for this generation, prophetic sayings and Byzantine lectures; 

You are the heiress of these Messages so no one has the right to discard you; I tell you, those who prophesy against you will have their share of Justice in My Courts; if they do not listen and pay attention to the words of My prophets whom I have never tired of sending you, I shall treat them severely and as they deserve! My Words, Vassula, are to be taken seriously by those who fabricate falsehood! Their teeth are spears and arrows, their tongue a sharp sword! My Vassula, I have seen how ungraciously some of them treat you forgetting that in the presence of My Angels, I God sang to you, anointed you and formed you; I have embroidered your soul with Wisdom and Instruction to look after My Interests; blessed is he who listens to Me;

Gather My faithful, daughter, and all what you have penned with Me allow My Words to be known! See? The time has come to reveal My Words;1 come, I love you, daughter, love Me and carry on declaring My Words to all nations – Yahweh is My Name; I God, will never fail you;

1 Since April 30, 2003 the Lord did not allow me to send out His Messages that followed after that date, but now I understand that He wants me to reveal them.