April 3, 1997
Lord of Peace,
watch over my soul and be my protection
from the wolves that hound me
for proclaiming all Your wonders
and for announcing my love for Your House;
Release my feet from their nets and snares;
turn to me; see how the wolves multiply? See their violence?
With loud cries they denounce me,
tearing me to pieces in front of Your Eyes;
They think out false accusations,
their mouths wide to accuse me.
do not worry about them, I am with you; My Peace and Love I give you;
elevate, My child, child of My Heart, your spirit in Mine and do not fall; have you not noticed My victories? 1 My glory shines within and without these Messages; remain devout to Me, prayerful, and effaced so that I am seen wherever you go; 2 in this way we could advance, you, with My cross in one hand and in the other one, My Word, which will be your lamp, while I, your King, will be walking majestically by your side and victorious, gloriously accumulating My triumphs in your faithfulness, while My glorious sceptre in My Hand will keep directing your steps where they should tread and where I wish you to go in My Name;
we will descend even more now to encounter those who are in the vile depths of sin, to teach them forgiveness, kindness, mercy, love, faith, hope, and I will lean down from the heights of My Glory, to the dying, 3 yet so loved by Me …. to cure them, to console them and tell them how precious they are to Me; all will vanish one day and wear out like a garment, but My Love for them will be unchangeable ….
lean now, My dearest, on My Sacred Heart so that every heart-beat you hear anoints your soul like fresh oil, renewing you and refreshing you; and while you will be leaning on My Royal Heart, you will be drinking from Its flowing stream, a living water which will turn into a spring inside you, welling up to eternal life; be steadfast in heart, for I am your Salvation;
I bless you in My Triune Holiness, three times;