“Live International Online Prayer Meeting
for Week of Prayer for Christian Unity”
Sunday, January 19, 2025 – 3pm New York
(12pm Los Angeles, 4pm Rio de Janeiro, 9pm Paris
Next day : Mumbai 12:30am, Sydney 6am)
While we prepare for our next live event,
we invite you to watch
one of these videos of Vassula
giving her testimony and explaining
the Messages of True Life in God. Enjoy!
Prophecies for These End of Times
"Heaven is Real but so is Hell"
Witnessing in Jersey City, USA
Talk in Waikiki, Honolulu-Hawaii
One Date
“will I, brother, one more season go through the pain I have been going through year after year? or will you give Me rest this time? am I going to drink one more season the Cup of your division? or will you rest My Body and unify, for My sake, the Feast of Easter?” October 14, 1991
This vigil will mainly consist of silent prayer and adoration throughout, offering fervent prayers of supplication for Vassula’s healing. There will not be a formal program as this was organized as an emergency response to Vassula’s serious health issue.

One Altar
“behold, what joy I will have when around One Altar you will gather and around this same Altar you will praise Me; acknowledging your mistakes, repenting for your rebellion and remembering My Love for you and loving one another as I love you;” April 19, 1988

One Tabernacle
“My Vassula, with My Fire and with the power of My Flame, not only will I soften these iron bars, but with My Breath, I shall melt them altogether and form them into one solid bar forever and ever; then you will all reach the fullest knowledge of My Will and My Understanding; this will be My Gift to you, a heavenly Church; It will be radiant with My Glory and your hymns shall be sung around one Single Tabernacle and your land of ghosts shall revive again, transfigured and resurrected;” November 2, 1989
The year 2025 holds great significance for three key reasons. First, it marks the beginning of Vassula's intercession for us from Heaven, rather than being with us here on earth. Second, this year sees the celebration of Easter on the same date by both the Eastern and Western Churches. Finally, 2025 commemorates the 1,700th anniversary of the First Ecumenical Council, held in Nicaea in 325 AD.

Join our TLIG family in fervent prayer that this year the Church will declare a unified date for Easter to be celebrated for all future years. Let this be the year!

We offer our gratitude and thanksgiving for the gift of Vassula, born during Unity Week, chosen by God as His instrument to unite the Church—beginning with proclaiming the Lord’s aredent desire to “unify the dates of Easter.”
“love Me and for the sake of your love I will summon the Churches to unify the dates of Easter;” April 19, 1994
The True Life in God Ecumenical Prayer Meeting will incorporate,
as always, prayers from different Christian traditions.
We will pray ALL FOUR mysteries of the Holy Rosary

(very powerful prayers from the Catholic tradition) We will be praying in English, French, Arabic, Aramaic, Latin, Greek and Spanish. We will also include a reading from the Bible and a True Life in God Message.
The prayer meeting will last about 3 hours in total.

Past events

Praying during Unity Week for unity and offering thanksgiving for the gift of Vassula, born during Unity Week, and the instrument God has chosen to revive His Church, embellish His Church and unite His Church.
Our TLIG family prayed in thanksgiving for the 38th Anniversary of True Life in God and Peace in the world, especially where wars are currently raging.

Our TLIG family prayed for Peace in Israel/Palestine, Ukraine/Russia and in the world, including all those who have died, been maimed and displaced. We also prayed with All Saints.
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The Messages of True Life in God

The Messages are a compilation of nearly 2000 messages that Vassula Rydén has received from God since the year 1985. The messages are profoundly spiritual and are written in a clear and direct language. In the Messages, God invites each of us to enter into conversation with Him and asks that we substitute Vassula’s name in theses texts with our own.


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