Vassula wrote an article on the associations a few years ago and that article is online here:
Everybody can benefit by reading this article again written by Vassula.
One of the most impressive aspects of True Life in God for me is what Vassula calls doing things “Jesus style.” This has always delighted me to no end.
When I was younger I had the opportunity to observe several different forms of organizations. In particular I was able to observe and participate for several years in organizations that did work with the mentally and physically handicapped. One of these organizations was completely voluntary and another one was run by people with salaries and offices. I was able to get a look at the budgets of both organizations and realized in non-profit organizations employee salaries and offices can comprise even 90% of expenses. I also realized if you get rid of offices and salaried employees over 90% of all money can go towards the actual people you are trying to help or the project you are trying to accomplish.
Vassula has always operated without an office, a formal secretary nor paid staff. And despite this, the message has been able to move non-stop around the world. The reason for this is the hard work of the associations and single individuals who volunteer for TLIG without receiving any money or salary and sometimes not even recognition. They work quietly behind the scenes – in service to God. This is a unique and precious “Jewel” we have in TLIG – the messages and the ability to be able to come and work in this lush vineyard of spirituality.
Some people think Vassula has followers. This is just another form of lie and attack. I was joking with a person recently the only thing I follow is Vassula’s dog, on occasion when I take it for a walk on a leash. So I walk behind and “follow the dog.” All of us including Vassula are working for God, the church and our fellow human beings. Vassula can be seen as an older sister in Christ, a friend and yes quite rightly as a modern day witness for God. The best attitude is always, that more than anybody else Vassula wants to help the apostolate – not for herself – but again for God, the church and others. Her voice, that at times suggests and guides is worthy of giving extra weight and consideration to.
Authority is another aspect of Vassula’s role in the work of TLIG. Jesus told Vassula in the messages she can call on him any time. People think mistakenly sometimes, when Vassula uses her authority that it is her personal discernment alone or her opinion about something. This is not always the case. On important issues Vassula is following the lead of Jesus himself. If you take a long look at all of Vassula’s instructions and letters over the years – many of which are on the TLIG website, you will see again and again that the guidelines of the major work areas of the apostolate have been all spelled out. The big stuff and the directions on how to do it are all there. From the prayer group guidelines booklet, to how to evangelize and spread the messages, to guidelines on Beth Myriam. Vassula has done her job and laid out all of the major areas of the TLIG apostolate with years and years of work. Now if something does not work well…who do we blame? We have to in every case blame ourselves!!! Really look at all the letters, the personal interventions, the pilgrimages, the meetings, the thousands of emails. Vassula has been involved with us all these years. Now it is really up to us…and yes, she may even still be willing and able to help us!!!
In True Life in God we are taught one of the most important aspects of Unity is humility and as a rule Christians should treat “the other” as better than themselves. It makes good common sense that we should at least have the humility to practice this with Vassula herself for without her cooperation with the Lord and willingness to be His “Pupil” we would not have the TLIG messages. We can never separate the message from the messenger. And why would we want to? In Vassula we have an example of a person like us…a nobody, and can see how the Lord works with her and we can learn!
Many years ago a magazine article was written to attack Vassula that claimed she had a private driver and fancy cars and so forth. In today’s media age – basically anybody can write any lies and people believe it. If it is in a newspaper or on the internet people have no discernment for lies and truth. They often take things as “gospel” which are nothing more than attacks based on pure lies. A lie is even more effective when it is delivered with total seriousness and given an air of authority or if you can by using deception get a name or title to endorse the lie.
Let us again set the record straight for new readers of our newsletter: Vassula takes no money from True life in God and never has. Only travel expenses are covered. Countries that struggle to pay these expenses have been helped out of an account of book sale royalties. Never have any book sale royalties gone to Vassula for personal use.
The True Life in God apostolate has no headquarters, no main office – but rather contact points of volunteers, thus enabling this unique ”jesus style” approach.
Christmas 2005 and more recently February 2006 I had an opportunity to speak again with Vassula about the Associations: What exactly are they? The TLIG associations are created by people in the TLIG prayer groups to deal with legal and tax matters associated with book sales and fundraising for Beth Myriam. Sometimes also with collecting money for supporting evangelization activities. In order to sell something or to collect donations for Beth Myriam you have to deal with legal and tax issues. This is one of the reasons in some countries there are legal entities set up to deal with legal and tax issues. In order to set up a legal non profit organization – often times a Board of Directors and a President and Vice President needs to be chosen. These titles are for administering legal and tax issues and that is the only scope of their formal activity. If they are hard working people and want to do more, often times they indeed do. But the title they have gives them no authority over other people and is simply a title connected with legal and tax matters pertaining to the country they are in.
The danger of course for all of us is the temptation to usurp authority where there is no authority. And this is a very tricky business!!! Making a structure of authority does not resolve the problem! Ask any clergy about the political problems they encounter within their structures where clear lines of authority are in place!
Here are a couple of thoughts about this. Some people say: “Vassula needs to decide this” or “I will only do this if Vassula tells me.” Or even worse – “If you do not do it the way I have said it must be done – I will withdraw from working with you.”
Vassula does her work…which is transmitting the message and has told volunteers in TLIG: “work as if I am no longer here.” In other words Jesus does not want her in the day to day administration of TLIG. The work areas of the apostolate are our chance to share in this work which comes from the Lord. What joy for everyone to be able to work for God’s kingdom on earth!!! In fact this is not optional – all Christians inside or outside of this apostolate are called in scripture to work for the Lord.
“But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves.” James 1:22
“Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.” 1 Cor 15:58
Now if there are disagreements about how to move forward on something people want to consult Vassula, sometimes this may be the right thing to do. But if the consultation comes from looking for adjudication to settle a conflict or a disagreement – this perhaps is our own failing. If there is conflict anywhere in our associations we have to see a red flag.
The Banner of TLIG is unity, with strong emphasis on humility and love.
Now if an association is not working together well in humility and love and self effacement putting the Lord’s interests before personal agendas…this is a failing of all the people involved. How can we evangelize anybody if we ourselves are not an example of unity? It takes real sincere effort to live a True Life in God. It is hard – it is not the broad easy way…for it means we have to die to ourselves and our personal interests and live more out of selflessness, in other words: crucify our flesh.
Jesus warns us of the danger of disunity in our associations:
I, the Lord Jesus Christ, love you boundlessly, I am soon to come, I bless you all |

In another message Jesus says:
I promise that anyone who decides to do good, giving Me honour and will make peace with Me and neighbour, he will obtain peace and will come to realize that in their weakness and in their sleep they were led astray I want no more trouble from anybody; nor should anyone delude himself into thinking he is righteous, I repeat My warning, do not delude yourselves into thinking you are righteous; when one works or had decided to work for Me they should follow Me in My Foot-prints bearing My Cross wholeheartedly and with honour and joy; when this is done with goodwill they will be properly rewarded for all the work that had been done well in My Name;
no one is anyone’s master3 I am the only Master; I urge them to repent and turn to Me and prove to Me their goodwill;
consult Me anytime Vassula, and I shall answer you; I bless you, cling to Hope;
courage daughter; ic
January 20, 1999 (This whole message deals with quarrels in associations)
(3 In other words Jesus means that there should be no one in a group who works for God become a dictator, ordering others around and ’filtering’ everything)A classic example I always like to use is the one of Brother Lawrence who wrote the book: The Practice of the Presence of God (you can read it online.
Jesus says again and again he brings nothing new in TLIG and our ”we, us” is the modern form of this same idea – the unceasing prayer – for us it was given in a simpler form, but the idea of living and working in prayer is as old as the Gospel it