May 18, 2013


My Peace I give to you, dear daughter; all My plans on you will be accomplished;

there are massive evils, child-murdering initiations, always done in the name of peace and of development; murder, fraud, corruption, riots and perjury have produced a visible image of what this generation has become;

My Father’s wrath cannot anymore be sustained; the earth’s imminent death has approached, and what this generation has sown, they will harvest; a fire will rage fiercer than ever seen by human eye; and the elements of the earth will melt; consuming nature, humans, animals and the lot!

My daughter, this fire is inevitable, My Heart weeps with sadness, but this will be the only remedy left now! I am ceaselessly in agony and pierced with thorns imprisoned in My Body; My angels weep hiding their face with their hands to see how this generation will perish once My Father will cry out: ‘enough!’ so do not say: „ahhh, but the Lord’s compassion is great, He will forgive us;” have you forgotten that both mercy and wrath come also from the Father? I need reconciliation primarily, and a true metanoia, from all the Churches; a gathering in My Name will glorify Me;

let My House, Vassula, be one! with Me on your side, you need not fear! embellish My House and revive it bringing it into unity! pursue the way I have laid out for you, persist in the path of unity and on what I have commended to you;

tell My Shepherds in these gatherings that their joy is to be found in Me and nowhere else; let your gaze be on Me; turn neither to the right nor to the left; keep your feet in My Blood-stained Footprints, you who are My priests, and you who are My collaborators in this Work; I will bring you Home, arm in arm just as two good friends, we shall walk together on sapphires, in My glory, triumphantly in My Courts; I address you now, My Own, My friends, you whose hearts have been stirred by My Voice by My Noble Theme and who joined in My Poem of Love, Unity, and Reconciliation; I tell you, My Father, has blessed you; in majesty and splendour you will soar the skies with Me all the way to My Throne; and I, with My Royal Sceptre, will guide you to your quarters inside My City, within My Kingdom; I have called you and I have watched over you; never ever leaving you from My Sight…

John, My disciple, was a lamp alight and shining; be My Johns, be alight and shining in this dark world and do not wait for human approval, for this should mean nothing to you as it is nothing to Me; do not let that concern you, dear souls, be one and live the Unity I recommended you to live; ic