August 12, 1998

(After the three prayers were said;)

ah child! 1 child of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit! before you, I, Jesus, stand; 2 My delight and My garden in which I have built My heaven; 3

because that day has approached on which all those that rebel against My Divinity are to be destroyed4 and stripped to the last of their auxiliaries; I am sending you in a country5 where you would stretch your shoots beyond the sea; I am sending you to a nation6 who resists all My Divine Calls of your times and who said in their night in a moment of folly: „we have to do something to shut the mouth of this woman;” I will send you there, My beloved, where My Heart continues to sob like a flute for them …. I will send you to them so that the olive tree once more produces its olive and the vine its fruit;7 ….

O watchman8 of the Tower! how much more will you gorge on your prey? but all your hateful menaces will go in vain … 9 and you who burn incense to the Beast, how can you come to me entering My Sanctuary and presenting yourself in front of My Throne saying: „I am safe and I am powerful to overturn any kingdom; I am safe to go on committing all these abominations; no one has seen me;”

I have; I have seen you and I will expose you to the nations …. look how you are falsifying by the lying pen of your tribe, My Law and My Institution of the Eucharist! can you still say: „Christ cannot see?” how is it that you who say, „I see”, do not see or recognise your Saviour and your Inheritance? even the mole sees better than yourself and recognises its hole;

come and repent, or are you incapable of repenting? let your eyes rain tears and repent; come and repent with all your heart and I will correct you gently and pardon you for all that you have done;

cease grieving My Holy Spirit; I hate pride and arrogance, but if you repent do not be afraid; see? your Redeemer is stretching out His Hand to you; the Holy One who gave you your priesthood and adorned you with royal vestments, investing you with emblems of authority to pasture His flock is telling you now as a father tells his son: „from the Beast’s territory, My son, you inherit nothing, but from Me, your Lord, you will have everlasting life: I am your share and your inheritance;”

will I hear from you these blessed words:

„I exult for joy in My Lord; my soul rejoices in My God thrice Holy, for He has clothed me in the garments of salvation, in His Divinity He has clothed me; and like a bridegroom who ornaments his bride, He has crowned me with a wreath that never withers; like a bride adorned in jewels I have been invested with His jewels; now let my God, in His Triune Glory, delight in me; let Spring10 flower in my heart and in my bones; ah, how my soul rejoices in His Divinity which will be the emblem of my deification;

You who adorn every year the earth and revive its dryness, turning it into a bed of flowers of every hue, come and adorn my heart and turn it into a spring so that all the angels rejoice and say, ‘look! he has Yahweh’s Spring in him! the Bridegroom of all creation now can step in His garden, in His Paradise; the Lord of lords now can rejoice in him and gaze admiringly on His Own reflection; beauty and glory belong to the Most High; Garment of Glory, 11 do not delay to clothe your child in Royal Purple;’

graciously deign to hear me and deliver me from my ever so miserable flesh which was my empire that held me prisoner on this earth and its belongings; here, I am coming forward, in front of Your Throne to offer you my heart, 12 the only thing I own, as a token of my love; ah, adorable Bridegroom, transfigure my heart into a pure heart and deify me through the divine power of Your Holy Spirit, the Paraclete, the Divine; let Him shine within me like a Parousia now, and my soul will live and will glorify Your Triune Divinity as well;”

then I, Jesus Christ, will respond to you and say: „I will reward your humility by letting damnation eat herself up; she will be no more your dark companion, for you have now replaced evil with love, exchanged darkness with light; and although you will continue to live in your flesh, your spirit will be walking in heaven and your heart that you have given Me will have its wedding; yes, My child, for as the bridegroom rejoices in his bride, so will your God and All rejoice in you; Boundless Goodness will be your kin from now on;”

…. and you, My Vassula, I tell you: at the favourable time I will send you to them and you will show yourself; I discharge you now, My delight, so that you attend your other duties as well; 13

I wish I could have been like Mary and not like Martha;
I am happy when I sit with You, adorable One,
enjoying and feasting in Your Presence;

do not complain, Vassula, enjoy yourself in Me; listen, will it console you were I to tell you how in this ineffable Love I have for you, I have you embedded as an emerald in My royal crown? would it console you, My Own, were I to tell you that you are My wreath of perfumed flowers that never wither since they adorn My Head, and that you are to Me like a concert of sweet music in My Ears? would it console you were I to tell you that you have become My spiritual throne and that My visitations to you are like a scent of delicate perfumes given to Me?

a generous heart is what the Lord needs; there have been so many moments in which My Eyes were turned on you alone and for you alone; ah, Vassula!

Ah, my Lord Most High!
my eyes are fixed on You;
my whole mind and heart as well ….
You have truly captured my heart in Your Divine Love
and in Your royal munificence.

and you Mine;

You are my only delight!

and you, My Vassula, you are My only delight when your eyes look fervently, with ardour and with love for Me …. to have Me in your heart is Life;

Life is You ….

My Work, 14 hide in Me and rejoice in Me, so enter into the delights of your Saviour; I, the Lord, will reveal more of My Heart to you;

come; I bless you;

1 Jesus seemed very joyful.
2 I heard at the same time the word ‘Am’;
3 At the same time I heard the word ‘Kingdom’.
4 I also understood that it would be the „idea” that would be destroyed rather than the rebels themselves.
5 Italy.
6 Rome, the ‘Eternal City’.
7 Here there was a pause, as though Christ was reflecting, then His Voice raised like a Judge’s…
8 Jesus was speaking to one particular person.
9 Then to another one.
10 Here it means: ‘God’.
11 The angels exclaimed to God: „Garment of Glory”, because someone who is in a state of holiness can be said that he is clothed with Christ.
12 Free will too.
13 Housework of course ….
14 We are all the Work of His creation, but it means here also, the transfiguration the Lord made out of me: my conversion.