We are today closing this retreat but let me inform you that the following one will be between 3-8 November this year on the island of Aegina where St. Nectarios one of our famous saints is buried. It is our Greek Retreat but also for anyone else who wants to join. We will have not more than 100 persons. Already 50 places are taken by Greeks.
We are also planning for a big Pilgrimage for next year in October. It will be in Egypt, where the Holy Family were hiding. We do not yet know the exact dates but soon we will be able to announce them.
And now let me just tell you: never lose courage in evangelizing the Messages. Yes, it is not easy in a rationalized world and there are those who will always be scandalized when you will tell them that God is alive and speaking even today to us through a human being. These Christians, Pope Francis said in one of his homilies are Christians who are closed-minded, they are trapped, sad… these Christians he said, are not free. Why? Because they are afraid of the freedom of the Holy Spirit which comes through preaching. This, then, is the scandal of preaching, of which St. Paul spoke: the scandal of preaching, that end up in the scandal of the Cross.”
As I said, the mission that Christ has given me and you, is not easy, so what do we expect when Christ said: “Your mission, is to bring My people under one Name, My Name, and break bread together.” Do we expect to walk on rose petals with a sound of music? No, we walk into the blood-stained footsteps of our Saviour hearing cacophonies around us…
But when you hear our Lord’s supplication when He cries out: “Is there anyone willing to work with vigor and love to rebuild this tottering House? Is there anyone in there who is willing to defend this House? Is there anyone who understands now what I am saying? Is there anyone in My House who is disposed to expand the Kingdom of God?” (20 August 1998) How then can you resist to His Calling for Unity and for embellishing His House?
So, let our doctrinal dialogues begin with the Holy Spirit. Let Him be the one who leads us by our sleeve to show us in our heart that the essence of doctrine should be based on love and humility which is the key to Unity.