As the world witnesses the unfolding of biblical events, the new publication, “Prophecies in the True Life in God Messages for these End of Times,” sounds a clarion call to mankind from the heavens. Bearing the Magisterial seals of approval, the True Life in God messages from God through Vassula Rydén foretold world events before their fulfillment, and they reveal imminent prophecies whose impact upon the human race and the planet will increase without prayer and conversion of the heart.
These approved messages prophesied the fall of communism and the twin towers, the Indonesian tsunami, the Icelandic volcanic
eruption, the meteor over Russia, Covid-19, the economic crisis and more. They also foretell Russia’s aid in time of crisis, the Great Day of Purification, the Hurricane of Fire, and shifting of the earth off of its axis, the Great Conversion of the Church, an era of peace and holiness and the return of Christ our Saviour.
eruption, the meteor over Russia, Covid-19, the economic crisis and more. They also foretell Russia’s aid in time of crisis, the Great Day of Purification, the Hurricane of Fire, and shifting of the earth off of its axis, the Great Conversion of the Church, an era of peace and holiness and the return of Christ our Saviour.
In these End Times, when creation groans with eager longing to be set free from its slavery to corruption (Rom. 8:19-21), and when mankind seeks a remedy to discord and division, God comes down from heaven with his Heart in his hand to offer us the remedy: To turn to Jesus’ Mercy while there is time and to consecrate ourselves to the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts – our only true refuge. In emphasizing God’s timely yet urgent appeal for unity in diversity whilst holding fast to His Tradition, “Prophecies in the True Life in God Messages for these End of Times,” invites all to partake of the infinite riches of Jesus’ Love.
Rev. Joseph Iannuzzi, S.T.L., S.Th.D.
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