

Monsignor Kriekenbeeck on Unity

A Personal Experience of our Holy Land Pilgrimage in 2000

Vassula’s Introduction

Union of Divine Love in the Holy Trinity

Unity from the Heart

The Father’s Heart

The Great Return

How to Cultivate True Life in God

Vassula’s Welcome Address

The Nobility of the Cross

Let us be One in the Divine Trinity

We are called to become gods by participation

Take Up the Sickle and Reap

The Trinity

A Prayer for Unity

The Necessity of Unity

The Third Epoch

Be One in the Divine Trinity

Reconciliation: the Trinitarian Approach

Passion for Unity

Unity and Reconciliation

The Announcement of the Kingdom

Reconciliation and Unity

Different Ascents: Detachment, Dispassion, Impassibility

Renewal and Teachings of Ascetic Life

Consecrated in the Truth


Cardinal Sfeir

Bishop Anil Couto

An Example of Unity in the East

Advisor to the King of Jordan Addresses Vassula and TLIG Pilgrims

An Address by the Bishop of Babylon, Theofylaktos

Vassula speaks about Witnessing

A Cry from the Sacred Heart: Christ’s Desire for Unity

Vassula speaks about the reality of hell and the devil

Vassula Ryden’s Opening Words to the True Life in God Ecumenical Pilgrimage in Rome, 2011

Vassula’s Opening Speech for the Retreat

Transformation of One’s Spirit Through Repentance and Love

Jesus is THE Exorcist

Pray to the Lord and He Will Heal You

Exorcisms, Possessions and Deliverance

The power of the Holy Spirit that transforms evil to good

What is the difference between deliverance prayer and exorcism?

Vassula’s Unity talk given during the 2013 Ecumenical Pilgrimage in the Holy Land

Vassula’s Welcome

Brug naar Vrede

De kwestie van vrede

How to bridge our divisions and bring peace to the world

How to bridge our divisions and bring peace to the world

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