Wednesday, March 20, 2002 7:56 PM
Evangelizing CD
A CD ROM is now available, at low cost, for use as an evangelizing tool for True Life in God. The CD should run on most computers and is easily posted and distributed. The CD is available from the website: /evang.html , along with other items.
The CD contains video of Vassula writing a message from Jesus in her prayer room. The video was captured by Fr Gerhard Wenzel when visiting Vassula in Rome and the incident is mentioned in the Message of October 16, 2000 (see: /msg/vasb1061.html ). The 5 minute introduction is followed by extracts from a meeting Vassula held in England in 1997. Total duration of the video is 40 minutes.
Also on the CD are virtually the entire contents of the website (including all the Messages).
Further details at: this email. |
/cd.html | or by replying to |
Also, many people may not be aware that the TLIG Messages are available, in spoken form, on audio tapes. Anyone interested in these tapes, please reply to this email.