March 21-24, 2019
Back in November 2018, various members of the True Life in God Association in Mexico (Mexico City and Monterrey) gathered for twenty-hour Adoration to the Blessed Sacrament. During this break, we thought to invite Vassula to visit Mexico. Her acceptance would be a slim possibility, as she has already been here nine times. However, we suggested that she could come to introduce the book Heaven is Real but so is Hell, which is a teaser book to entice people to read the True Life in God Messages. In addition to the Heaven is Real book introduction talk, we added the possibility of including a retreat to her visit, as we did in December 2014.
To our surprise, eight hours later she responded “yes.” The response came at around 1am, and we rejoiced before Jesus’ Eucharist, praising and thanking Him. Specifically, we prayed together asking Him to choose the dates for her visit. As such, the retreat took place from March 21 to 24, closing with a public talk by Vassula.
The chosen theme was: ‘The Holy Spirit and the Second Pentecost: Jesus’ Great Return.’
It is very important to mention that in 2014 Fr. John Abberton recommended that all the True Life in God members in Mexico City pray together at least once a month. Consequently, on the last Monday of every month we hold a prayer meeting right at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe, where we pray the Rosary, the Jesus’ Prayer (Orthodox Rosary), and read an open- Bible passage and a True Life in God message. This monthly practice has really benefitted the way we interact and collaborate in all matters, especially those related to God.
So the preparations began with the million obstacles and difficulties inherent to anything related to True Life in God events. For three months, we had two Masses offered daily for the success of the retreat and public talk. Still, the attacks were incoming from every direction, a clear sign that the fruits of this visit would be of great importance.
Little by little, we ended-up with a fantastic group of priests who would be the retreat speakers. Among them was Fr. Petar from Medjugorje, who Mirjana chose as the priest to whom she will confide the secrets given to her by Our Lady. Mirjana will tell Fr. Petar, ten days in advance, what will happen and where. Whence receiving this disclosure, they will both pray and fast for seven days. Three days before their occurrence, Fr. Petar will reveal them to the world. He has accepted this responsibility and will fulfill it according to God’s Will. In addition to Fr. Petar, Fr. Eduardo’s attendance from Peru was a wonderful surprise from Jesus. Liliana and Marcela, from True Life in God Peru, spent many years evangelizing all over their country. During their various visits to the north, they tried to evangelize in a town church. Initially, the priest from this church forbade them from doing this, as they would talk about True Life in God. Finally, he accepted them at the church and said: “I only wish I have the chance to know her someday.” As God would have it, he said this at the time we announced the retreat. When we heard his desire, we invited him to join us.
Tuesday, March 19
Late afternoon on Tuesday March 19, Vassula arrived together with Monk Martinianos from Mount Athos. After picking them up at the airport, we took them straight to the retreat’s hotel.
Vassula, Monk Martinianos and some of the TLIG Mexico organizers
Wednesday, March 20
We had scheduled various television and radio interviews–some live, some prerecorded– at which Vassula talked about the Heaven is Real Book and the True Life in God Messages.
Maxine Woodside, a famous interviewer, interviewed her live. This was the third time Maxine received Vassula, even though she began talking about her back in 2001. What we found most significant is what happened with the other interviewer present in the cabin. When Vassula said that Jesus wants us to come as we are, this lady asked: “Regardless of our past or what we have done before?” Vassula replied that Jesus loves us regardless of our past life. He wants us back, as we are His children. He wants us to approach Him and get to know Him, for how can we love Him if we do not know Him.
We were happy to hear the interviewer’s question, as this signaled that the True Life in God Messages was touching her heart, even if the apparent results may not be clear or immediate. For as Jesus has said in the True Life in God Messages: “The biggest service you can do for Me is to bring back a soul to Me” (cf. True Life in God Messages, April 17, 1992)
Later on, two television interviews took place at the hotel where the retreat was to be held. The first interview was with one of the major networks in Mexico. They sent a young reporter from Miami who was mesmerized with Vassula’s responses to his various questions. At the end of the interview he said that it was not a coincidence he had been chosen for the job. Until one year ago, he had been leading a life filled with vices and sin. This caused him to lose everything: job, friends, home, until he hit rock-bottom. As he comes from a Mexican family, he prayed to Our Lady of Guadalupe, asking Her to help him. He prayed every night. Months later, he was offered a very good job in Mexico City. Our Lady had given him a new chance in life. He took the Heaven is Real Book and the True Life in God Messages.
Vassula signing the HIR Book for the interviewer of the TV Show Hoy – The interviewers meet Vassula at the retreat’s hotel
While waiting for the second interviewer, Fr. Eduardo and Vassula had a chance to meet each other and talk for a while.
The second television interview took place. Both the reporter and the cameraman were astounded with Vassula’s responses to their questions. Everybody there took with them the True Life in God and the Heaven is Real books.
At the interview – Interview with Multimedios, the interviewers and some members of True Life in God Mexico
Thursday, March 21
As there were two television interviews scheduled for Friday when the entire organizers group would go to the Basilica, we took Vassula, Monk Martinianos, Fr. Petar and Marija, Fr. Petar’s English interpreter, to the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
At 4:30, a general media interview took place at the hotel venue where we later held the retreat.
The General Media interview – Vassula with the attending priests
Vassula Speaking about the Heaven is Real Book
Vassula at the general media interview – Heaven is Real Kits for the Media
Vassula sat with the other attending priests, all who briefly introduced themselves. The reporters asked them questions.
The basic question that kept surfacing was whether hell exists. This was a clear sign that some people question the existence of hell. Vassula replied that this was Satan’s greatest achievement, making people believe that neither he nor hell exist. Many people believe that we live hell in our everyday life, in this world. Consequently, the trend then becomes to live life to its fullest, since there will be no joy or pain after death.
Antonio, a True Life in God volunteer, prepared media kits for the reporters to take with them. One of the reporters asked to participate in the retreat for at least one day, on Saturday, as she would on that day be free from work. And she did come!
An important fact is that the whole retreat was streamlined live from the first moment it began until the end of Vassula’s talk on Sunday. In addition, Jessica and Sandra presented it through social media the entire time. As a result, people from all over the world had the opportunity to participate in the retreat, live!
The anticipated retreat officially began at 6:30 with a procession lead by Bishop Oliver Dashe from Nigeria, all of the attending Catholic priests, Fr. Nicholas from the Greek Orthodox Church in New York, and Monk Martinianos.
Opening Holy Mass
Although we had many hosts ready to be consecrated for Mass, for some reason only two ciboriums were consecrated with approximately 140 hosts. We immediately noticed that we would not have enough, so we asked the priests giving Communion to part each Host in half. However, Fr. Petar suddenly decided to stop parting them, saying it was not necessary. I was flabbergasted as the line for Holy Communion was still very long and I looked at him in disbelief. He looked back and said: “Look! Multiplication-multiplication!” The Host amount sufficed, and there were several left in the ciborium!!!
Immediately after Mass, Bishop Oliver took the Blessed Sacrament to the special meeting room we booked for our retreat’s Nocturnal Adoration.
Procession with the Holy Eucharist to the Adoration Room
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
We know, without a doubt, that the core, the life and the success of the retreat was the Adoration to the Blessed Sacrament, which we had every night from 10:00pm to 7:00am. Our Lord showed us He was happy with this observance, as multiple photographs display miraculous images, like the ones below:
Miraculous Photograph of the Blessed Sacrament
In the first picture above it is clearly apparent that there is a blue light all around the Eucharist. This is a sign of the Divine, as Vassula describes it in the Heaven is Real Book.
Immediately after, we had a small inauguration ceremony, in which representatives from all the countries present came to the front holding their countries’ flags which we had previously made.
Opening Ceremony with all countries present
We had a magnificent attendance: there were people from Argentina, Armenia, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Croatia, Dominican Republic, France, Greece, Nigeria, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Puerto Rico, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela, and of course, Mexico: with people who had come from various parts of the country. Our total attendance added-up to 360 participants!
Friday, March 22
The retreat began at 8:30am with the Rosary.
At 9:00am, Bishop Oliver Dashe shared with us his magnificent testimony. He is the Bishop of Madiguri, in Nigeria’s Northeast region, where the Chibok girls were kidnapped back in 2014 by the terrorist group Boko Haram. This group took absolute control of the area and the people lived in fear and terror.
Talk by Bishop Oliver Dashe
While praying in the chapel, Bishop Dashe had a vision in which he saw Jesus handing him a sword. When receiving it in his hand, the sword turned into a Rosary. Since then, every day, Bishop Dashe has the whole town pray the Rosary in procession through the streets.
Miraculously, and without any violence, Boko Haram has left the area!
Nonetheless, problems persist. There are thousands of widows and orphans for whom Bishop Dashe has set-up assistance houses. With donations from people around the world, he built a Chapel for Our Lady of Perpetual Help. Most importantly, there is perpetual Adoration in His Diocese! And that has lifted every person in this town.
His message was of hope; Our Lord never abandons us and cannot resist trust-filled prayers from the heart.
Afterwards, Fr. Petar Lubjcic talked about the Holy Spirit as the first and most important fruit of redemption. The Holy Spirit of God is not only above us and with us – He is in us.
Talk by Fr. Petar
The first Pentecost occurred when the Holy Spirit came down to the Apostles, fifty days after Jesus’ Resurrection, but Pentecost is ongoing, it is permanently repeated. We received it through the Sacrament of Confirmation. Pentecost lasts forever – we have to revive it in our souls and experience it anew. Our everyday life is full of miraculous experiences of the Holy Spirit; the greatest signs of His Work are the conversion of people and their trust in God.
Vassula talked next about the effusion of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
She said that the Lord teaches us through the messages that there is no other way for the soul to live than in the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the living breath that breathes in us a true resurrection in our soul for a revival, and shows us how to live a True Life in God. Without the Holy Spirit we are spiritually dead. In the Holy Spirit we move, we breathe and we live, just like the fishes that move, breathe and live in water. Were we to withdraw the fish from the water from which it draws its life, it will die and dry-up. And so it is with us in the Holy Spirit. This is why we are called to be joined to the One who is the Giver of Life, Who is the Holy Spirit; the One who generates us, vivifies us, renews us and in Christ.
Vassula during her talk
Later, we attended two television interviews with the most famous Catholic television personality in Mexico, Roberto O’Farrill. Mr. O’Farrill had previously interviewed Vassula during her 2012 visit. When we informed him of Vassula’s visit this year, he immediately said he would dedicate two full programs to her and the True Life in God Messages.
So we travelled for two hours to reach the studio, which is outside of Mexico City. Mr. O’Farrill asked Vassula many questions regarding her experience, the Heaven is Real book, the content of the True Life in God Messages and, most importantly, her situation related with the Vatican. This was Vassula’s fantastic opportunity to present her current situation status, without lies or subjective views. These programs will be aired on May 5 and 13, respectively.
At the same time, all the retreat participants went to the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Mass was celebrated there by all of the attending priests. Bishop Oliver did not preside due to the fact that the Basilica requires the celebrating priest to speak Spanish. Fr. Eduardo from Peru celebrated the beautiful Mass. All the participants entered the central entrance to the Basilica, singing, while holding one banner of Our Lady of Guadalupe and another with Our Lady of Kazan: the Virgin of the Unity of the Orthodox and the Catholic Church.
Entering the Basilica
Our Lady of Guadalupe
After Mass, the participants were free to visit the different churches and parishes in the Sanctuary. Another group prayed the Via Crucis following the Stations placed outside of the Basilica.
At that very same moment, Fr. Eduardo met the Rector of the Basilica and told him about True Life in God. The Rector was impressed by the solemnity and fraternity of the participants, and was quite interested in learning about True Life in God. So, Fr. Eduardo accepted an invitation to have lunch with him on Sunday, right after Vassula’s talk, and to bring to him the True Life in God Messages. This was an enormous miracle!
Fr. Eduardo is really on fire! He is burning with zeal for the Lord and His House. Fearlessly, he is witnessing the truth, the magnificence, and the Lord’s immense love through His True Life in God Messages.
Had this been the only fruit of the retreat, it would have been enough. However, Our Lord and Our Lady had more surprises for us!
That night, one lady from the US approached and showed us a miraculous photo of Our Lady of Guadalupe. When walking in front of the Holy Image of Our Lady (which is the original cloth ‘tilma’ (in which the Celestial Image was imprinted from Heaven), she took several photographs. On the way back to the hotel, as she was looking at her photos, she suddenly noticed that in one of them, Our Lady appears with a figure of a Dove flying out of Her Hands… Clearly, the Holy Spirit!!!
Saturday, March 23
The Retreat opened again with the Rosary at 8:30
Fr. Nicholas started the day by talking about the Second Pentecost and Jesus’ Great Return. Jesus had told the apostles that He would send the Holy Spirit to them, but did not tell them when. We are presently in this same situation. We know that Jesus will return, but we do not know when.
What we do know is that His Second Coming will not be at all as the first one, in which He was a fragile infant. This time, as described in the Gospel of Saint John 5, 24-30, the Lord will come amongst the archangels, with the sound of trumpets, with all the Glory of God manifesting itself.
In the Creed we pray: “and He will come to judge the living and the dead.” Some people do not believe that Jesus will return, but He will. And we’d better be prepared for that moment.
We come from God, we make our way towards God and we go back to God. What happens between the first and the last moment, during this journey, depends entirely on us.
Immediately after, we listened to Monk Martinianos’s testimony. He is a Monk from Mount Athos, living in the Monastery of Hilandar. Mount Athos (Holy Mountain) is the spiritual capital of the Orthodox Christian world, consisting of twenty monasteries and approximately 2,000 monks.
Fr. Martinianos told us that he was a famous choreographer, travelling all around the world, until he was forty-five years old. One Holy Week he ended-up in Athens. He felt the urge to go to Mount Athos, where he met several monks separately, almost by ‘chance.’ Our Lord touched him in a way he still cannot understand to this day. After that, he went back to New York, closed his company, sold everything and went to the Monastery of Hilandar. He has now been a monk for over twenty-five years. He said that his experience developed as if Our Lord picked him from one place (the world) and put him in another one (the Monastic life).
After Monk Martinianos’s remarkable testimony, Fr. Petar talked about this epoch as being the end of times, not the end of the world. It’s the end of an era, the final period before the second coming of Jesus. We must be wise and use every moment which is given to us.
When we place God as first in our life, everything else will be in its place. God is love and to love means to do the will of God; it means to give of ourselves, to forgive, to complement and to understand each other. God has called us to be like Him, to live like Him and to love like Him; and it is the Holy Spirit Who helps us to love the way God loves, to love with His faithful and true love. God loves us immensely and we are called to return His Love by loving all people, regardless of who or what they are.
After hearing these uplifting words, we continued with Holy Mass, presided by Fr. Petar and co-presided by all the other attending priests.
After lunch, Fr. Nicholas blessed water and oil under the Orthodox ritual, which is so beautiful, solemn, and full of reverence and adoration to Our Lord and Savior.
Monk Martinianos and Fr. Nicholas blessed each one of the 360 attendants with the holy oil: the forehead (blessing our thoughts), the throat (blessing our words) and the palms and back of the hands (blessing our actions). Then they blessed us with holy water.
Personal blessing with the Holy Oil
Blessing the crowd with Holy Oil
Vassula talked next about Jesus’ Great Return. She asked, “what is the Hope of the True Life in God Messages?” The Hope is that “ecclesia will revive;” these are Jesus’ exact words. We can be sure that our Lord will be pouring out His Holy Spirit to all mankind more and more, so as to complete His designs to bring the Church into a revival by uniting it, either by peace or by fire. It has to be done before His Return. As His Return is imminent, the Lord sends before Him our Blessed Mother to prepare the way for Him. In the past, as God had prepared the Virgin Mary and had favoured Her to bring forth the Messiah to redeem the world, so it is in our times again that God is sending the Blessed Virgin Mary in different regions to appear and prepare the world for Jesus’ return. God will execute His Plan as foreseen by Him, because the reign of the Kingdom of God is at hand. In this reign His Will shall be done on earth as it is in heaven.
“My Will shall be done on earth as it is in Heaven, and under My Hallowed Name, many nations shall come from far away, from all the ends of the earth, to dwell close to My Holy Name, extolling My greatness by the divinity I would give you back;” (True Life in God Messages, December 19, 1990)
Fr. Petar subsequently emphasized that we should take advantage of this time of mercy given to us for salvation. The Bible is very clear: those who live in Christ and who are waiting for His second glorious coming should have faith, confidence, love and courage, thinking of that day.
The thought of Jesus’ second coming keeps us awake; the memory of eternity keeps us from sin and helps us grow in virtue. God calls us now to just be good; every true believer must allow the Lord to live in him and to do good acts among the people. Today is given to us to pray and to work, to love and forgive, to help our neighbor and to glorify God, thus gaining eternity.
Finally, Vassula and all the attending priests blessed each one of the attendants. Many people fell in the rest of the Holy Spirit, and various deliverances occurred.
On that day, we arranged to have the Nocturnal Adoration in the big hall. Our Lord was majestic in His Beauty! His Presence was so vivid. His Love filled the hall. This was a magnificent closing for the retreat.
Here you can see a beautiful video summarizing this wonderful retreat event:
Sunday, March 24
All the participants walked to the auditorium to hear the public talk.
At 10:00am, we celebrated Holy Mass at this hall. Afterwards, people sang praise songs. Throughout the course of this time-frame, people were arriving to hear Vassula’s public talk.
The meeting started with the Our Father in Aramaic, the language Jesus spoke. This superb song set the mood for prayer and to listen to Vassula transmit the Lord’s Message in these times of mercy, calling us to repentance, to a life of unceasing prayer, to reconciliation and unity. The world no longer has a place for God, and instead is playing God. The world has become cold towards God’s love. He is calling us to become intimate with Him, that is, to have a personal relationship with Him.
God is calling us urgently to repent. Through repentance, we receive the gift of love from the Holy Spirit, and through the Holy Spirit we know God’s Will. Jesus says that everyone who loves knows God. A humble, meek, forgiving and loving soul delights Him.
We are also called to pray, to increase our prayers for the conversion of the world. To pray without ceasing is to be in perfect union with God.
Vassula asked Fr. Petar to answer specific questions about the subsequent actions he will have to take once Mirjana tells him the secrets, which as stated above will demand him to fast and pray for seven days. After that he will announce them to the world.
In reply, he emphasized that instead of focusing only on these imminent actions, we should listen to Our Lady and convert our lives. We should pray and turn to God. We should live the True Life in God Messages. And so, in this way, this wonderful retreat and Vassula’s visit concluded.
As a post-script, we must mention that Fr. Eduardo determinately went to lunch with the rector and other priests of the Basilica. He took some True Life in God books to give to them, excited to convey the abundance of the fruits of the Holy Spirit that he experienced during the retreat, and the truthfulness of the True Life in God Divine Messages.
We give all the glory, the honor, and praise to Our Loving Almighty God!
The Mexico True Life in God Association