September 12, 1986

peace be with you; any time you want, meet Me; every time you feel upset, 1 know that it is not I who wrote it; any message that worries you, I, Yahweh, have not written it; every time you feel unhappy, know that it is not from Me; feel free and meet Me; I, Yahweh, am Peace; welcome Me in your prayers; read My Word;

I am asking myself sometimes, why all this?

because I want to remind you how much love I have for all of you; read with love My Word;

My Father in Heaven, have you really called me?

beloved, I have;

September 17, 1986

peace be with you; it is I, Yahweh; I will help you understand My Word and I will teach you; augment your love for Me;

I do not want to do anything wrong that would destroy all this. I’ll be very sad.

I will not wait for this; I will comfort you; I am your Eternal Father who loves you, who created you; I have, when you first breathed, held you close to Me; love one another because you are created by My Hands; all of you are My children; remember who founded you?

do not venture elsewhere; come to Me and I will cover you with My blessings; I will pour all My love on you; love Me more; the Path to Me is among you; take it and it will lead you to Me; with arms opened I shall welcome you; I shall embrace you and bless you; pray for righteousness;

1 Upset: about a message.