As the Holy Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ was recently celebrated for the Orthodox Christians last Sunday, May 5th, we greet one another in this way by saying “Christ is Risen” and responding “Truly He is Risen.” As we greet one another, let us remember that Christ is among us! He has bestowed us His Grace, His Love, and the privilege to honor Him. His Grace is given to us; it was given to us at the time of His Resurrection, yet we, through the divinity of our churches have altered the fullness of this Grace. Jesus is now asking us, through Vassula, to rectify this division of the churches, so that we will taste and live out His Will. Christ will indeed see us through; assist us, in this mission. He tells Vassula that we should pray these words for Unity: (e-news editor)
December 21, 1992O Lord, You who stand among us, shepherd us; set Your Royal Throne in the middle of Your vine and give us Your orders; O Holy Lord of all holiness purify us so that we preserve the integrity of Your House and Your vine, lovingly intervene and protect what Your right Hand cultivated; we have failed You, but we know, we believe and we trust, that You will open wide Your Gateway, to let the River of Life flow on Your vine, and once more from it will sprout branches that will bear fruit and become a royal vine, more kingly than ever before because Your Holy Spirit, the giver of Life, will overshadow it; amen
and you, My Vassula, your sufferings will teach you to be patient; have you not heard that patience brings perseverance and perseverance brings hope? and this hope, upon this hope will raise My Kingdom; let every part of yourself now glorify Me;
My Holy Spirit marked you with My Seal, so do not be afraid; pastors, priests, teachers, bishops and cardinals will recognise the Shepherd’s Call and I will renew their mind so that their old self is crushed and they will fully realise that I am on My way back to transfigure the whole of My creation in the goodness and holiness of the Truth;
come, My daughter, My precious one; I Am is with you;
My Words of Reconciliation, Peace and Unity have not been heard nor have they been respected; I have spoken once and I will not speak again; I will add nothing new;
Lord, it is not easy apparently…
I want your voice to thunder this time in January! I want your voice to thunder as loud as ever! you will speak on My behalf; let the whole world hear: the days are now counted, there is not much time left and grace that enfolded mankind shall come abruptly and all of a sudden at its end …. this will be done so that the world realises how great was My Mercy and My Goodness that had flowed down from above year after year; ….
tell those who work for unity to look up at the skies; see how far they are from the earth? this is how far their hearts are from one another; this is how far they are apart; when will they all pass a decree by unanimous vote to celebrate the feast of Easter all in one date?
– may My groans reach their ears this time …. what My right Hand planted has been severed, in two, then in three, then hacked; where is the entire vine I had planted? …. there was once a vine; every season I expected it to yield grapes; it covered valleys, mountains and extended beyond the seas, because it had taken root in My own property, in My own inheritance; I had spread its branches to reach to the four corners of the earth and fill the world with fruit; but instead of keeping it, they neglected it, allowing thorns and briars to multiply around it, choking branch after branch, shoot after shoot; that chosen plant My right Hand had planted has been levelled now to the ground and the beauty and glory and the fruit it gave have now fallen down like rotten fruit;
I have come to fill your lamp with oil, light your lamp and use it now so that you see where you are going; whosoever neglects to light his lamp this time and use it, it will be taken away from him and given to someone else;…
Jesus now gives us the opportunity to see His Will, to guide our steps, our vision, so that we may live Holy, as Unified Christians: A True Life In God- (e-news editor.)
To read the entire message with footnotes click here