
03 June 2000 20:41

Javier Lopez has forwarded this testimony of a conversion experience which occurred just a few days ago.

Santiago de Chile, 26 May, 2000

I am not able to forget what has happened to me.

Several months ago I downloaded the files of Vassula’s messages (from the web site). Over several days I rapidly read various messages without much concentration and then I forgot all about it until today.

Today, for about three hours, my soul was in a state of depression. I was oppressed with thoughts of my failures and my repeated failures in matters which kept me far from God and from the Holy Eucharist. I had not left the Church, but for a long time I only assisted at Mass and did not go to Confession nor receive the Holy Eucharist.

Finally I realized that the only way out of the despair I found myself in was to go to Confession and receive the Holy Eucharist. Then, I again resisted God’s grace. In the middle of all this I prayed to God for the grace of repentance and the strength to go to Confession and receive the Holy Eucharist.

After this I went to pray in the Church of St. Augustine which is near my work. I then returned to my office. Finding myself alone I decided to attentively read the messages of Vassula. At the very moment I decided to read the messages, I began to smell the aroma of incense (I know the aroma very well since I regularly assist at Holy Mass in a Monastery where they frequently use incense). Within a few seconds I remembered the words of a good and holy Catholic friend of mine. She once told me that when we perceive the odor of incense it is a sign that the Lord is near us. I continued reading and Jesus gave me the gift of many tears when I read the account of His Passion which He gave to Vassula. Together with the tears, my heart was bathed in repentance and peace.

I continued to re-read the messages in the same reflective manner for about three hours until I encountered one which surprised me. In it Our Lord says to Vassula: “Listen to Me then and blossom; give off a SWEET SMELL LIKE INCENSE; spread your fragrance abroad”. (June 20, 1988)

I am sure these words were fulfilled today when I began to read the messages. They gave off the sweet perfume of incense
which God put in them and which Vassula has spread abroad.

Blessed be our God and Lord forever!

I want to give you an account of what has occurred to me so that it may serve as a proof of the graces which Our Lord is giving us by way of the messages given us through His servant Vassula.

With humility I thank you for your kindness,
