Tuesday, January 28, 2003 7:31 PM
from Vassula
Dear friends,
First I want to thank you once more for the Masses and prayers done for all my family and especially Fabian who now is very happy in Singapore with his new work and his “boss” who is so nice and kind.
I also want to specifically thank the generous donors who have been sustaining the Beth Myriams and those who are inspired to buy books and donate them to various places.
Today I am asking you for your prayers and for Masses for two dear friends whom you know: the first one is Mons. Luigi Accogli who for some time now is not well and has gone through various operations and to this day is still hospitalised in the USA.
The other friend is Fr. Daniel Gagnon who is going through a very difficult time and needs prayers.
May God bless you for your faithfulness,