December 12, 1996
Lord, let me cling on You,
so that You may come to my rescue;
I love You and I thank You,
giving You praise for allowing me to know Your Name
so that I too may be protected;
In Your great love,
You answer me every time I invoke Your Name;
God, You are greatly to be feared
because of Your Power
May You show Your kindness to me when I am in trouble;
let Your smile be on me
to show to the nations that You are with me.
peace be with you; in My Name, speak and do not be afraid; put your trust in Me;
My majesty covers the heavens, and even if your land today lies in terror because of its iniquity, My majesty and My brightness will cover your land1 and every evil shall be revealed since now evil hides in the darkness of the earth; do not fear; be merry and rejoice for My triumph over the evil forces is near;
so, go, My daughter and do not refrain from speaking when it will do good; gain souls for Me, be My net; let Me cast you out again; do all you can and I will do the rest; vow to remain faithful to Me and serve Me in a spirit of piety and fortitude; I shall never fail you and will refuse you nothing that would bring the sinners to conversion and a change of heart;
you will find, therefore, before you, My protection; the calumnies and the persecutions which you bear for My sake, so generously, glorify Me; the way people treat you with wickedness and spite and which you bear in silence for the sake of Me your Saviour, touches Me to tears; everybody in the end wears out, just as clothes wear out, but your souls live forever; your achievements in My Name will not wear out and your soul will be recompensed in the end;
do not lose My Peace and may you remain strong, always grasping Wisdom’s teachings; have now a happy heart and fill it with the joy I have in My Heart, filled by all those who desire Me, your God;