Sunday, September 28, 2003 10:01 AM

Mary’s booklet

Dear Readers of TLIG,

The German booklet on Mary, our Blessed Mother, has come out and is being distributed by Fr. Gerhard Wenzel far and wide. These are extracts taken out of TLIG which I had chosen myself. Unfortunately, in that same booklet, Fr. Gerhard, without my knowing, added his negative and bitter view on the Church and the Bishops, taking advantage to print all of this under the umbrella of TLIG.

I wish you to know that I dissociate myself from all that has been written by him as it does not harmonize with the spirit of TLIG. I have taken counsel from Fr. Prospero Grech and I am acting accordingly.

I strongly dissent from what he says during his witnessing on the Church and the Bishops for this is not the message that Christ wants us to spread. Having already been for a long time corresponding with him on this subject, to try and make him understand that this is not how we should witness, even inviting him over in Rome for 10 days to reason with him, he did not change unfortunately, on the contrary, he produced behind my back this booklet.

I also advise the TLIG organizers to hold back their invitations to him so long as he continues to kick and condemn the Church and its pastors in front of crowds. This is not what Christ wants us to do. We are sent to repay evil with love and Christianise a de-christianised society. We are not sent out to judge or condemn.

God bless you,