Saturday, September 27, 2003 5:22 PM
Meetings and Errata
Please pray for the success of Vassula’s next series of witnessing meetings during October which will take her to the Czech Republic, Armenia and the United Kingdom. See more details at: /meet.html
Vassula sends the following message:
Dear readers of TLIG,
I would want the readers to understand a certain paragraph in the TLIG latest volume in the message of 13.09.02 (printed version in English, page 110, 3rd paragraph, last line) that the word ”consubstantial” is meant for the Father. If one takes the first line of that paragraph and joins it with the last, you would understand it better. In this way: ”You (the Father) consubstantial with Your Son, have unveiled the hidden plans, ” followed by the sentence, ”You have been putting my soul in full awareness of Your Presence,” Perhaps, if one puts an asterisk after the word ”consubstantial” and indicates below, in the footnote, meant for the Father, it will be better understood.
The reason I write this to you is that already in the French translation it has been mistranslated. We know that from the French, many other translations are being done, therefore many will go wrong and it is a theological error as they have done it. The French have translated it as though that our bodies too can be consubstantial with the Son! This is the seriousness of the mistake in this translation. As you all know, these books are translated with love and a lot of sacrifice by people who are not theologians, and therefore I do not blame them for their mistakes, but we cannot afford such mistakes to circulate as well. I look at their great efforts to do as good as they can and I appreciate as well as others I am sure their efforts and their goodwill.
If some of the translations have gone wrong, would you please ask the printers to add an errata page in the books? Thank you for your cooperation.