Wednesday, October 15, 2003 4:12 PM

Three testimonies

The following three testimonies, written in 1996 and 1997, are from the USA and Australia.

I am a Catholic layman, married, with four children. I grew up and was schooled, although not exclusively, in Catholic teachings. I have actively participated in our parish community as a lecturer, teacher, and Eucharistic Minister. I am a physicist by academic training. For many years I resisted giving my complete will to God, to Jesus Christ, preferring to remain somewhat distant and in effect a ”held-back” Christian. The force within me, which kept my spirituality alive seemed one more of obligation and duty rather than the desire for and a love for God. I began a new, personal, spiritual journey to explore and better understand my faith, the Blessed Mother, Jesus Christ, and how and what they all mean to my daily existence.

I learned of Vassula in 1994. I finally acquired the TLIG books and I began reading them in June, 1995. I knew, and strongly believed from the beginning that Jesus Christ was, and is, speaking to us through Vassula. I was captivated, at times, exhilarated, by these readings. I would go back over, re-reading, totally consumed by them; they took to placed in the Bible I hadn’t been before. I was initially skeptical of certain disclosures expressing God’s love for us and Vassula in intimate language. I finally came to realize, page by page, that this was an extra-ordinary series of books and had to be, is without any doubt in my mind, revelations of God, Jesus Christ.

My spirit, my soul, has literally soared at times with this new, wonderful gift, this great peace, this closeness to Jesus Christ in my life. TLIG has brought me back to the pure and simple beliefs of my childhood, a consummate belief in and soul-penetrating love for Jesus Christ. Now I truly seek to discern his real and immediate presence at all times in my life, my constant ”holy companion”. TLIG has the inspiration for and the fire, which has sparked my renewed love for God.

I have come to an unshakeable belief in their authenticity that God is the author of this new literary creation. I look to the fruits borne in me to know this. I see the intricate and flowing way they interact with Scriptures to know this. This ”Hymn of Love” has given me great peace and refuge as I navigate my life through the shoals of this life as Christ wants me to and enter into Jesus’ Sacred Heart and Mary’s Immaculate Heart. All this I have literally resonated with, as these truths have been re-revealed to me as they were so many years ago in childhood.

True Life in God is authentic, is the basis for this great peace within me and has become a central element of my new conversion journey. I look to the inspiration I have received from TLIG, which has become an integral part of my daily routines and I reap the benefits continuously.


At the Denver talk last year, I was aware of some of the controversary surrounding Vassula, directed at her by certain factions, I decided to go to Denver to not only hear what she had to say, but to further discern what was going on with her regarding authenticity, the spirit, the fruits, the messages, etc.

Almost ten years ago, I was given a gift of discernment of spirits as spoken about in 1 Cor 12, through God’s grace. It was a gift, I thought, everyone had to some degree, until I started talking about it. After we had arrived in Denver, I started to feel the presence of the Holy Spirit and the presence of angels. As we passed closer to the center, I noticed tangibly, that the power of the Holy Spirit and the angels’ presence was increasing more and more, with each step.

When we entered and moved to the front I felt the presence of the angels so powerful, and so strong, it was a little frightening. It was exhilarating, awesome, humbling and increased in me a reverence and respect for God. After the introductory speakers, Vassula took the stage. It was then that He entered the room in a most majestic manner. I could see with the eyes of my heart and feel clearly and distinctly with all of my being, Jesus, sitting on a throne above Vassula, although I could not see him with my eyes open. I felt his Eucharistic Presence flowing out and down as He was anointing Vassula and every word she spoke was reinforced by Jesus’ spirit and immediate presence. I felt truly blessed and comforted. I felt peace, love and desire to grow in holiness, a strengthening, you know, all the things you feel when Jesus is near. Be assured that your work is bringing good fruit.


Since the attacks on Vassula Ryden have occurred, I know that I must personally defend her, and write of the incident that happened in Melbourne, Australia. After Mass and her talk, which I had missed because I was breast-feeding my little six-month old Downs Syndrome baby, Vassula entered the room I was staying behind the church. Here she spoke to my friend, J.B. and myself for about 10-15 minutes. J. spoke of all her sufferings. Vassula’s face changed completely. She looked bruised and swelling appeared on her face. She looked like an 80 year old. … After this talk with Vassula, my friend finally accepted her sufferings and felt peaceful and admitted that a bolder had been taken from her shoulders.

I am a double-degreed scientist from the highest University of Victoria, so I have been trained to pay attention to detail and investigation. It was no figment of imagination on my part as I was two feet away from Vassula and I saw it for at least ten minutes.

Vassula Ryden suffers for us, that I saw with my own eyes. I was personally troubled about this for two years thinking that my prayers are worthless and that my children distract me in my prayers, that I cannot pray properly so for this reason I thought Vassula didn’t ask for my prayers.

After I had prayed the rosary with Mother Theresa and her nuns, one of Mother Theresa’s last words to me were, ”Pray for us.” Mother Theresa knew I was troubled for two years and there she asked me for my worthless prayers. I knew, now, no matter how you feel, no matter how distracted by your children, pray the rosary!! Vassula Ryden didn’t ask for my prayers, as God willed it, to teach me a lesson. I know personally of four youths who have changed after hearing or seeing Vassula talk and they haven’t lapsed.

As a scientist who used to ridicule the rosary, as boring, and of no merit, please pray for me and my family and take this testimony in defense of Vassula Ryden.
