Jacob and Esau

27 March 1999 11:06

Mary Zore forwards the following:

I offer this as affirmation of the ”True Life in God” messages, especially those concerning the enemies of the Church and of our present Pope, John Paul II. After having read the message of March 17, 1993 about rebellion and persecution of the Pope, and of priests, much of which is indeed frightening in nature, I decided to at least give this particular message to a Priest in a Parish where I attend Mass. Unfortunately, this was within a few months of the original warning against Vassula Ryden being issued, and upon hearing that this was the visionary from whom the message came, the priest became adamant that he would not receive or read the message. Hearing his concern, I tried to ask to talk with him privately about my own experiences with reading the ”True Life in God” books, but he refused and would hardly listen to me. I was very shaken by his negativity. The following morning, when I was in a half awake state I felt like I was being told to read the book ”Obadiah”. Well, this was very unusual to me, since I am not a bible scholar at all, and to have that book of the Bible pop in my head did not come from any of my own experience or normal thoughts. So I grabbed my bible and opened to Obadiah. In reading the prophecy of Obadiah I was immediately conscious of how the language and what was described could be applied to what was in Vassula’s prophecy concerning the Pope. The messages from Jesus also use the terms ”Jacob and Esau”, referring to those who were faithful to God and those who rebelled. The message given to me to read in Obadiah seemed clearly to affirm the message of warning I had tried to give to the Priest and which he had refused.

I also recalled from reading the book ”True Devotion to Mary” by St. Louis De Montfort, that the story of Esau and Jacob were reflected upon and used by this Saint to describe the latter days of the Church when those children of Mary would be attacked by those refusing to acknowledge the Blessed Mother as their spiritual Mother. I felt a kind of awe when I realized this, as if I was reading scriptures long ago reflected upon by St. Louis De Montfort himself, and which helped him formulate his own understanding about how Marian devotion would indeed be a great dividing force in the Church. Because this reflection on the writings of St. Louis De Montfort were so key to helping my understanding of the terms ”Esau and Jacob”, terms used so often in the prophecies of ”True Life in God”, I am offering that portion of the Saint’s writings to share with the members of this forum. I would also like to recall that St. Louis De Montfort’s works have been central to the spirituality of our own dear Pope, John Paul II, who like the Jacob in the biblical story has allowed the Mary as his Mother to clothe him in the spiritual robes of Jesus, her first Son, so that he can gain the Father’s blessing.

The story of Jacob and Esau is found in Genesis, Chapter 25: 21-34, and Chapter 27

The Interpretation of the Story of Esau and Jacob according to St. Louis De Montfort taken from ”True Devotion to Mary” by St. Louis De Montfort, Tan Books and Publishers, Rockford, ILL. Pages 1-126

1.Easu, figure of the reprobate.

Esau, the elder, was strong and robust of body, adroit and skillful in drawing the bow and in taking much game in the chase. He hardly ever stayed in the house; and putting no confidence in anything but his own strength and address , he worked only out of doors. He took very few pains to please his mother Rebecca, and indeed did nothing for that end. He was such a glutton and loved eating so much that he sold his birthright for a mess of pottage. He was, like Cain, full of envy against his brother, and persecuted him beyond measure. Now this is the daily conduct of the reprobate. They trust in their own strength and aptitude for temporal affairs. They are very strong , very able and very enlightened in earthly business; but very weak and ignorant in heavenly things. It is on this account that they are never at all, or very seldom at their own homes- that is to say, in their own interior, which is the inward and essential house God has given each man, to live there, after His example; for God always dwells in Himself. The reprobate do not love retirement, nor spirituality, now inward devotions; and they treat as little, or as bigots, or savages, those who are interior or retired from the world and who work more within than without.

The reprobate care next to nothing for devotion to our Blessed Lady, the Mother of the Predestinate. Indeed they sometimes praise her and say they love her, and even practice some devotion in her honor ? they have not the tenderness of Jacob for her. They find much to say against the practices of devotion her good children and servants faithfully perform in order to gain her affection, because they do not think devotion necessary for salvation; and they consider that, provided that they do not hate our Lady formally or openly despise her devotion, they do enough. ? The reprobate sell their birthright , that is to say the pleasures of paradise . They laugh, they drink, they dance, and take no more pains than Esau did to render themselves worthy of the blessing of the Father. In a word, they think only of the earth and they love earth only; they speak and act only for earth and for its pleasures, selling for one moment of enjoyment?.their Baptismal grace, their robe of innocence and their heavenly inheritance. Finally, the reprobate daily hate and persecute the predestinate, openly and secretly. They feel the predestinate are a burden to them, they despise them, they ridicule them, they abuse them, they rob them, they cheat them, they impoverish them, they drive them away?. While they themselves are making fortunes, are taking their pleasures, getting themselves into good positions, enriching themselves?.

  1. Jacob, the figure of the predestinate
Jacob’s conduct
As to Jacob, the younger son, he was of feeble constitution, meek and peaceful. He lived at the most part at home, in order to gain the good graces of his mother Rebecca, whom he loved tenderly. ? He loved and honored his mother. It was on this account that he kept at home. He was never so happy as when watching her. He avoided everything which could displease her, and did everything which he thought would please her; and this increased the love which Rebecca already had for him. He was subject in all things to his mother. He obeyed her in all matters, promptly, without delaying and lovingly, without complaining. At the least indication of her will, the little Jacob ran and worked; and he believed without questioning, everything she said to him. For example, when she told him to fetch two kids in order to prepare something for his father Isaac to eat, Jacob did not reply that one was enough to make a dish for a single man, but did without argument what she told him to do. He had great confidence in his dear mother, as he did not rely in the least on his own ability, he depended exclusively on her care and protection. He appealed to her in all his necessities, and consulted her in all his doubts. For example, when he asked if instead of a blessing he should receive a curse from his father, he believed her and trusted her when she said she would take the curse upon herself. Lastly, he imitated as far as he could all the virtues he saw in his mother?who was virtuous and kept away from bad companions who corrupt the morals. By this means he made himself worthy of receiving the double blessing of his beloved father.

Conduct of the Predestinate Such also is the conduct which the predestinate daily observe. ?.They love retirement and are interior. They give themselves to prayer; but it is after the example and in the company of their Mother, the Holy Virgin, the whole of whose glory is within, and who during her whole life loved retirement and prayer so much. It is true that they sometimes appear without, in the world, but it is in obedience to the Will of God and that of their dear Mother, to fulfill the duties of their state. However important their outward works may be, they esteem more highly those which they do within themselves, in their interior, in the company of the Blessed Virgin. It is on this account that, while sometime their brother and sisters are working outwardly with much energy , success, and skill, in the praise and with the approbation of the world, they on the contrary know by the light of the Holy Ghost that there is far more glory, more good and joy in remaining hidden in retreat with Jesus Christ, their Model, in an entire and perfect subjection to their Mother, then to do of themselves wonders of nature and grace in the world?. ”Glory for God and riches for men are to be found in the house of Mary.” (CF Ps. 111:3)

Lord Jesus, how sweet are your tabernacles! The sparrow has found a house to lodge in, and the turtle dove a nest for her little ones. Oh, happy is the man who dwells in the house of Mary, where Thou was first to make thy dwelling! ?. The predestinate tenderly love and truly honor our blessed Mother as their good Mother and Mistress. They love her, not only in word but in truth. They honor her not only outwardly but in the depths of their hearts. They avoid, like Jacob, everything which can displease her; and they practice with fervor anything which they think will make them find favor with her. They bring to her and give her, not two kids as did Jacob to Rebecca, but their body and their soul, with all that depends on them, symbolized by the two kids of Jacob?. ?.

When they have brought to her and consecrated to her their body and soul, and all that depends on them, ?what does that good Mother do? Just what Rebecca did of old with the two kids Jacob brought her.

  1. She kills them, makes them die to the old life of Adam.
  2. She flays and strips them of their natural skin, their natural inclinations, their self love, their own will and all attachments to creatures.
  3. She cleanses them of their spots, their vileness, and their sins.
  4. She dresses them to the taste of God, and for His greatest glory; and it is Mary, alone, who knows perfectly what the divine taste is, and what the greatest glory of the Most High is, it is Mary alone who, without making any mistake can adapt and dress our body and soul for that taste infinitely exalted, and for that glory, infinitely hidden.

This good Mother, having received the perfect offering which we make to her of ourselves and our merits and satisfactions, ?strips us of our old garments, she cleanses us and makes us worthy to appear before our heavenly Father.

1 She clothes us in the clean, new precious and perfumed garments of Esau the elder, that is Jesus Christ, her Son?which she keeps in her house, that is which she has in her power, inasmuch as she is the treasurer and universal dispenser of the merits and virtues of her Son, which she gives and communicates to whom she wills, and in such quantity as she wills?.

  1. She covers the neck and the hands of her servants with the skins of the kids she has killed; that is to say she adorns them with the merits and values of their own actions. She kills and mortifies, it is true, all that is imperfect in them, but she neither loses or dissipates an atom of the good which grace has done there. On the contrary, she preserves and augments it; that is to say, to fortify them and help them carry the yolk of the Lord, which is worn upon the neck,?
  2. She bestows a perfume and a new grace upon their garments, that is her merits and virtues, ?.Thus all her domestics are clothed in double clothing (Pro. 31:21)?
  1. Finally she enables them to obtain the blessing of our heavenly Father, though being but the youngest and indeed, only adopted children, they have no natural right to it.

With these garments, ?they draw near with confidence to the Father’s bed of repose. He understands and distinguishes their voice which is the voice of a sinner; He touches their hands covered with skins; He smells the good odor of their clothes?He recognizes in them the merits and good odor of His Son and of His Holy Mother, and so, First, He gives them His double blessing, the blessing of the ”dew of heaven” (Gen 27:28), that is to say the divine grace which is the seed of glory;?and then the blessing of the ?fiat of the earth’, that is to say, the good Father gives them their daily bread, and a sufficient abundance of the goods of the world?Thirdly, His Majesty, not content with blessing them in their person and their goods, blesses also those who will bless them and curses those who will curse and persecute them?.