Thursday, January 16, 2003 10:43 AM

Replacing Vassula’s name

The following exchanges are copied from the website discussion list. They provide an answer to those who find it difficult to replace Vassula’s name with their own in the TLIG Messages.

Dear friends,

As this topic was raised in a previous post, I`d like to enlarge upon it.

First of all, where does Jesus tell us to replace Vassula’s name with ours? in a message? in a locution?

Secondly, how much can we replace? As I read TLIG, it was clear for me that some messages are meant for everybody and some for Vassula only (in certain situations). But, as it was shown, there are some messages which are more difficult to understand.

Finally, could you give me some insights about your experiences when doing this? I always find it so hard to accept this shift of names. I say it`s too beautiful to be true. (for ME!!! when I know myself well enough!!!!)

Hoping to hear from you soon,

Dear Viv,

Vassula has said that Jesus told her to instruct us to take her name and replace it with ours. Perhaps someone can find a passage in the mesages stating such.

You are correct in your understanding that not all the messages are meant for you (or me) individually as there are clearly some directed to Vassula only, a priest or others. I think in this case, calling on the discernment of the Holy Spirit is the right road.

Lastly, you asked, ”how much can we replace” (her name). I think the answer lies in your statement that followed. How much does God love you? Can He really love me that much with all my sins and shortcomings? Doesn’t he love the deliverer of the message or a saint more than me? The answer to all these is as scripture says, ”God is not a respecter of persons”. And again, ”The Sun shines on the good and the bad alike.” In fact, he tells Vassula that he chose her because she was the ”most wretched.” He also says that ”misery” attracts him. St. Padre Pio once said that ”Misery is His Throne”. How are we to undertsand this? I would say that out of his great love, he came to save the lost. Those without sin do not need a Savior. The saints are great because of their response to Love Himself not that He loved them more than you. Is 43:4 says, ”Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you … ” Indeed, we can sing, ”a hymn to the Hymn”. We can shout, ”amen to the Amen.” What would he not do for you in such a troubled time like now? I think he would go in all directions searching all ways to break through our deafness – even replacing Vassula’s name with yours.

From a personal standoint, he has spoken to me and answered my many questions countless times in the messages. I have prayed in my despair sometimes and opened a volume at random and ”He spoke”. His response many, many times is so specific that I am convinced he has chosen this manner to reach me a great sinner. Can we do anything but say I love you Jesus even if he comes in a manner unexpected and unorthodox to some?

You want to know how much he loves you? Ask him. His great love impels him to answer you. His love consumes his Heart. As Hebrews says, ”God is an all consuming fire.”

In His Sacred Heart,

Dear Viv and Robert,

I think Viv does raise a good question. I suppose I had always assumed that Jesus had mentioned this matter somewhere in the messages.

But, now, having searched carefully, I am fairly certain no public message mentions this. So presumably Vassula was told in a private message or a locution.

My own view on this is that we really should try to put our name in place of Vassula in almost all cases. Somehow, the cases where Jesus is speaking specifically to Vassula seem to me to be ’obvious’. Where it is not obvious, I think we should really trust that Jesus does look on us with the same love as He does on Vassula!


Dear friends,

Thank you all for your answers. Robert, your reply was very inspiring for me. I followed your example and as I was in a difficult situation, I prayed for an answer and then opened at random vol 1. I found the following exchange between Jesus and Vassula: (Feb 1st, 1987)

Jesus: ”Here is My answer to your thought: I love you all in the same way.”

Vassula: ”You speak of specially chosen souls.”

Jesus: ”Are you not a chosen one? I love you all”.

The interesting thing is that this time I received a kind of certainty – I realized that each of us is a chosen one in a special way. Each of us has a special value in God`s eyes. Or, as St Paul said, we are all parts of a body. Maybe according to our human point of view, our missions are not as great or visible as Vassula’s, but in God’s eyes even the smallest thing we accomplish for Him is important. He gave each of us a special mission.

It may be difficult for me sometimes to fully understand God’s love for me. But I know that it is always there – I’ll have to get used to the idea!!!!!
