Thursday, February 07, 2002 5:57 PM

Holy Land Beth Myriam

Yes, My beloved ones, I shall not only give you your daily bread but also a hidden Treasure out of My Heart, The Celestial Manna (i.e. the Holy Spirit) that transfigures, uplifts your spirit into a copy of My Spirit.

(True Life in God: Dec 19, 1990)

Dear TLIG family,

The above message is the one that fell open as we began the work for this slightly different Beth Myriam here in the Holy Land (see mailing dated January 8th – /forum/forum451.html ) and so we really felt God close to us in this new work of His.

On behalf of the extremely poor families being reached by the newly operational Beth Myriam project here, we wish to pass on their great appreciation and heartfelt thanks to all of you who have sent donations. Your help is making a real difference at this time of ongoing crisis as it goes directly to providing food to those with little or none.

When families ask ”Who is giving us this food?” – we tell them: ”Jesus and Mary, His Mother – Who touch the hearts of your brothers and sisters who want to share with you.” These families wish you to know that you are in their prayers as they truly see the food reaching them as God’s answer to their prayers.

The latest UN report (5th UNESCO Report) on the severe impact of the Closures/Curfews/Confrontation/Mobility Restriction in this region outlines the daily reality of those who are being helped by this outreach Beth Myriam project:

Levels of poverty are now worse than those pre 1967. Steeply declining household income (since Sept 2000) has led to a rapid rise in the number of poor households. More than half of the population is now living below the poverty line. Families are large and the vast majority now have no breadwinner due to ever increasing unemployment (because of the closures people are ’locked into’ their areas/villages and cannot reach their places of work). Any meagre reserves have long since been depleted. The lifeline of ’credit’ previously provided at local shops is no longer available as the shopkeepers are themselves having their credit cut by suppliers in this present crisis for which there is as yet no end in sight.

Families are hungry and for many their diet consists of bread, oil and occasionally some vegetables. With this radically reduced diet there are grounds for fearing deepening health and nutritional problems. An increased occurrance of psychological problems both in children and adults is also emerging. It is now impossible for many families to make ends meet.

It is against this background that Beth Myriam receives, with joy and thanks and praise to God, the donations from around the world which provide for the poorest families who are hungry and cold.

As it is winter, the weather can be bitterly cold and wet and so we buy and distribute food and also some kerosene (for oil heaters) to those in greatest need. We shop locally as the food is cheaper and it also benefits the local shopkeepers. We also collect quilts, blankets, good quality used clothing etc, which are badly needed and bring them in with us. Some foodstuffs (ie oatmeal, powdered milk) are no longer available locally, so we also take them in across the Checkpoint/ Border.

We have Volumes 1 and 2 of the True Life in God Message in Arabic and these are being distributed along with TLIG videotapes as we ’evangelize with love for Love’ when and where we can.

We ask God and Mary our Mother to guide us in this Beth Myriam work so that all the hungry mouths and souls will be nourished with love. Let us pray for peace here in the Holy Land, that God’s love will touch the hearts of all His children and allow His peace to prevail.

Holy Land Beth Myriam Team

He provides for all living creatures, His love is everlasting!
Give thanks to the God of Heaven,
His love is everlasting.
(Ps. 136: 25-26)

Please send any queries to Anne-Marie Sands at: [email protected]

Cheques in any currency (made payable to ’Mary’s House’) may be sent to:

Anne-Marie Sands
Mary’s House
PO Box 31142
Jerusalem 91001

Bank Transfers may be made to:

Account name: Mary’s House

Bank code: 10-901

Account number: 32701/34.

Bank Leumi – Jerusalem Main Branch 901

Jaffa Street – Jerusalem – Israel

Contributions may be made at the web site by credit card via the general Beth Myriam fund, see /bmdonations.html but please send an email to: [email protected] to specify you wish your contibution to go to the Holy Land Beth Myriam.

[Prayer requests are attached to this mailing]