Testimonies 10 (A letter of support)

27 August 1998 07:40

The following testimony differs from others in this series as it is an extract from a letter of support sent to Vassula in 1993 by a lady from New Mexico. It is truly inspired and serves as its own testimony.

Vassula, I first heard of you and of the messages that Jesus dictated to you in May of the present year, and from that very first moment my heart filled with joy because I recognised Jesus way of speaking and loving in your writings. The first thing that came to my mind was: ”it’s Him!”

What moved me to write you this letter was when I read your words: ”I am destroyed and the Lord knows it (Holy Saturday -9/4/88). They already treated me as a fake, accused me of being an imposter, of being evil, of being the anti-christ, of being mentally ill … my soul is tired … etc”

I am reading alone in my bedroom with an outside silence, but inside, my soul is like a big stadium filled with people shouting: ”Have courage Vassula! Have courage! I wish I could comfort you!”

I understand the suffering of wanting to tell the whole world – listen to what Jesus is saying! and sometimes it may seem you are talking to stones.

I ask Jesus to protect you and I know He will always do so because He is love and will never abandon us, although sometimes it may seem as though He does, when we feel the weight of the cross is too much for our debility.

I thank you for being so patient in this path that Jesus has selected for you. It is really true that Jesus has made you participate in the suffering of watching souls convert.

With me, Jesus has been VERY PATIENT, and I think it is now my time to suffer with that patience waiting for others to convert.

That is why I tell you: thank you! Because of your patience, many of us have the joy of reading the messages and the words of Jesus, and understanding how much He loves us.

How much mercy, how much tenderness! Thank you for your perseverance! Thank you for your generosity! in giving and dedicating your entire life to the sevice of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

I know that that the best comfort for our soul is Jesus. I am nothing, just a speck of dust in the universe trying to give you courage, Jesus Himself is helping me do that. I couldn’t just stay there, only reading your writings and praying for you.

I feel a very strong need to write you this letter. It is the very first time that I write to someone with the gift you have, a very special communication with God., to try and give you strength, even if it is in a very humble way. This is also to show you that not everybody rejects you and the Word of Jesus.

When I started writing this letter, I asked Jesus to help me and I asked Him: ”What should I write?” He answered me: ”What you have inside your heart. Write her 5, 10, 30 pages, she will be very happy” (How much He loves you.)

The above is only an extract from the letter. It ends with: ”Hurray for Jesus, hurray for Holy Mary! They will succeed.