Testimonies 8

20 August 1998 07:22

This testimony, from 1993, is by Mercedes Tuason of the Centre for Peace, Asia.

This is my testimony of various incidents that I have personally witnessed involving Vassula Ryden for whatever purpose it may serve.

During Vassula’s first visit to the Philippines in December 1991, while she was giving her talk at the Sanctuario de San Antonio parish, I was sitting in one of the front pews. I began to witness a change in Vassula’s face. I saw her face change to one that looked like Jesus, with a beard. Several other ladies who were sitting with me saw the same thing.

I witnessed the same thing happen when she spoke to the Congressional Ladies in the Lobby of the Congress Building, ’Batasang Pambansa’. I was sitting in one of the front rows behind Mrs. Aurora Aquino, the mother of the late Benigno S. Aquino, when I noticed her rubbing her eyes several times with both her hands.

After the talk I had the chance to tell Mrs. Aquino that I saw her rubbing her eyes during Vassula’s talk. Mrs. Aquino told me that she saw Vassula’s face look like the face of Jesus with a beard, which is exactly the way I saw her too. Mrs Aquino said she could not believe what she saw so she kept on rubbing her eyes. The lady beside her had told her that she also saw Vassula’s face change and it was only then that she found out that she really saw what she did.

I affirm that all these events took place and that I was a witness to them.