Witnessing message

Monday, April 30, 2001 11:22 AM

The answers to the 27 questions which Vassula speaks about in her message, copied below, will be sent out shortly.

Thank you for responding. I have noticed a real eagerness on people wanting to test their knowledge. I have received about 100 replies. I have received around 60 replies for people to act as organisers for the witnesses.

Therefore I request that the countries which have volunteered witnesses try to produce more organisers. I need around 40 more around the world. Otherwise there is an imbalance and therefore I request from all of you to be more willing to organise. I shall be reading all of your replies to the 27 Questions asked and will assess who is ready to go for the final test (Cuckoo!….Surprise!!!) I shall not make you walk on a rope….only on a thread!

My answers will follow soon and you yourselves can check and evaluate what you would give yourself in marks out of ten, i.e., how well you have done.

I will select the ones I feel are apt to go to the final test and their names will be given in due course.

Nevertheless, the others who have not been selected because they need more ”training”, I will inform them as well and will keep their names for another test with other questions during Autumn so that they still have a chance. If they improve they will be able to go out in the year 2002 to witness. Very few have totally failed, still, even those that failed will be given a chance in Autumn but will be asked new and additional questions than the initial 27 this time.

I am slightly disappointed that the following countries have not responded at all to this call: Japan, Argentina, Croatia, Ecuador, Kenya, Luxembourg, Poland, Puerto Rico, Romania, Russia, South Africa, and Thailand. How do you think you can ever progress the messages if you do not respond and just fade away……? Will you who seem to have faded away be resurrecting when the pilgrimage 2002 comes up?

As my answers will now be revealed for everyone to read, it is an indication as well that no further answers from people coming in will be accepted for this year. All replies coming in still will be kept for the next year.
