Promotion Material
Saturday, April 26, 2003 5:02 PM
Dear friends of TLIG.
We are a group of people that are working to collect the material that has promoted TLIG. Many of you have invited Vassula to come and speak. Please, we need to collect this material in that others may benefit from it. We will use it to make some templates for new people who are organizing meetings around TLIG and make it available through the Internet. Also, Vassula has requested that testimonies by bishops and theologians be collected so that it can be made available for promotion material. If you are in possession of such material, that is not already available, do send it. Please, do not delay.
If you are in possession of such material, please send it to Niels Christian Hvidt, Via Fosso della Castelluccia, 47/A, 00134 Roma, Italy.
Also notice that for now the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith has asked Vassula that the questions and answers be published ONLY in the new editions of the TLIG books, nowhere else. This is very important. The 12th Volume is already out from Trinitas and the questions and answers are published there. Translations into other languages are being prepared.
Warm regards,
Niels Christian Hvidt