With the help of our Lord, Our Lady, and with great joy, we completed our mission in Thessaloniki. It began on Friday, May 31, 2024, when we departed from Athens. The whole team travelled together in a van:
Teresa, Theodora, Polydoros, Tina, Evangelia, Efi, George, Babis, Thanasis and Sophia, accompanied by our little TLIG-Triad friends (children)-Stefania, Giannis and Galini.

After two refreshing stops, we arrived at the Castra of Thessaloniki, and situated ourselves at a nice restaurant for lunch. There we met our friends Daphne and Chrysa from the Thessaloniki prayer group, who had contributed significantly
to the organization of the mission.

Both their joy and ours was great, since we were able to meet again! After lunch, we settled-into the apartment we had rented, and then visited the beautiful church of Panagia Achiropoitou, which is the
most significantly surviving example of an early Christian Basilica in Greece. It is preserved in
the same form in which it was built, in the 5th century, around 450-475 AD.

However, the great gift of the day, given to us by our Lord, was the evening Divine Liturgy at the
Church of St. Demetrius- the Myroblyte (meaning the Myrrh-Gusher or Myrrh-Streamer) and Patron
Saint of Thessaloniki, which was celebrated in the crypt under the Church; the place where St. Demetrius was martyred! We are truly grateful that God merited us to experience this solemn and blessed moment that will remain forever imprinted in our hearts and minds.

On Saturday, June 1, 2024 at 12:00 noon, by the grace of God, the witness talk presentation given by Teresa took place at the Psaras bookstore, located at a very central point of Thessaloniki. The presentation was nicely structured with video alternations, making it very enjoyable and at the same time meaningful and complete. We had a good turnover of people who came to listen and learn about the
Messages of True Life in God.

The talk referenced the whole work of True Life in God and Vassula’s autobiography: Heaven is Real, but so is Hell, with excerpts and an emphasis on the autobiography’s chapters about a request from the Lord for an intimate relationship with us, the fear
of God, repentance, reciprocity in love, prophecies and warnings, and finally Unity.  The Lord asks for the union of the dates of Easter, in turn showing Him that we desire the union of the churches, and He by His Holy Spirit will accomplish His desire to unite us all.

The atmosphere was beautiful and some questions were answered at the end. Many of the participants were Daphne and Chrysa’s guests, and we had the pleasure to share a luncheon meal with them after the talk, where we had a good-time developing constructive discussions.

The talk was recorded by the bookstore owner, Mr. Psaras, and has been uploaded to the bookstore’s YouTube channel. It is available for anyone who wishes to listen to it.

Saturday afternoon was followed by  a coffee gathering at a beautiful and quiet space, for those who were working and unable to attend the talk. At this gathering we had the pleasure to meet new people, talk about Christ and the Messages, give away books, and exchange phone numbers in order to stay in touch.

On Sunday, after we celebrated Mass at St. Sophia Church, one of the oldest Christian churches in the city, with excellent acoustics and rare mosaics. God called us as well to visit the Holy Monastery of St. John the Theologian in Souroti, and to venerate the tomb of St. Paisios. We also venerated the relic of St. Arsenios, since it is kept in the monastery.

After a delicious lunch by the sea, we said an emotional goodbye to the people of Thessaloniki who had filled us with greetings and gifts, and we embarked on our return.

We thank God for making us worthy to experience this journey. We pray that He will bless the seed that fell in the hearts of all who heard and those who will still hear!
Thank God!
Sofia Ioannidi – TLIG volunteer



The Audience