(Fonetiskt uttal)

Aboon Dbashmayo (Fader vår som är i himmelen) Nethcadashshmokh (helgat varde ditt namn).teethe malkoothokh , (tillkomme ditt rike),nehwe sebyonokh , (ske din vilja); aykanoDbashmayo off bar’o. (såsom i himmelen så ock på jorden.)

Hab lan lahmo dsoonconan yawmono, (Ge oss i dag vårt dagliga bröd).washbook lan howbain wahtohain (och förlåt oss våra skulder) aykanodoff hnan shbakn il hayobain (såsom ock vi förlåta dem oss skyldiga äro)lo thaalan il nessyoono (och inled oss inte i frestelse) elo fasson men beesho (utan fräls oss från det onda)metool ddeelokhee malkootho, (ty riket är ditt)ou haylo ou Teshbohto, (och makten och härligheten)loalam olmen Amin. (i evighet. Amen.)


“Explore the True Life in God Messages”

An encounter with God and the supernatural world

For over 38 years, Vassula Rydén has received profoundly important and prophetic messages for all humanity, largely hidden until now. Sometimes harrowing, but filled with hope, it answers many of the questions that people have been asking for thousands of years and at the same time offers a glimpse into God’s love and justice, and of what is soon to come. God Himself named these Messages, “True Life in God”.

Vassula Rydén shares her powerful and authentic story of how her Guardian Angel, God the Father, Jesus and the Blessed Virgin Mary are giving her critical messages to pass on to our modern era.
Discover for yourself this hidden treasure
“reserved for our times”