The Day of the Lord is at hand

On Thursday 8.12.2022, I turned on my computer in the evening to check my incoming mail. No sooner had I done so the Meteora Retreat Announcement appeared on the screen. I was probably the first to sign up. I remember that I sat stunned in the chair for a long time, because I believe that the topic of the meeting was not chosen by chance. The Lord speaks very often on this subject in the Messages, but at that moment I felt more than ever the seriousness of the situation. Yes, that time is here.

No one can speak of future events if these do not come from Me, says the Lord in one of His Messages (06.02.21).

Note: My entire post is composed of quotations (mostly from recent Messages, which are very urgent and from Mrs. Vassula’s book Heaven is real) and is an expression of how I understand it all after reading it.

Before I talk about the Day of the Lord, I will first mention the term End of Times. End of Times is not the end of the world, as we all already know. It is a particular time in history and an expression only. Right now, we are living in the End of Times, in the middle of a spiritual battle, unseen by the eye, but felt all around us and even more in our soul (cf. HIR, p.205).

The Lord says: The world is dead to love because it has distanced itself from Us, and by forsaking the Fountain of Wisdom, it died in its drought. (28.11.96)

The western world has apostatized; the devil encourages them to promote relativism, secularism, liberalism, materialism and a total lack of respect for life; such evils come from the devil who tries to destroy My Church, My Commandments, My Precepts and My Law and all the values of life. (26.04.05)

The Church is attacked, but it has its share of blame for the whole situation.

My Church is in such a disarray because of its division and if She is weak it is because of the fault of the hierarchy’s division; their spirit is unresponsive to My callings of repentance and reconciliation (26.04.05)

 In the Church we are witnessing a great apostasy and a spirit of rebellion, as after all predicted by St. Paul in 2 Thess 2.

But at the same time, the End of times is a time of grace and mercy.

The Lord says: My calls and the grace of the Holy Spirit Has never been so obvious before than in your times (31.05.03) and During these End of Times My Spirit will be poured on all humanity (03.02.12) and I have opened the Heavenly Gates of My Mercy, My Compassion and My Love to pour over this generation; with sweetness and tenderness I have approached them, cleansing them with the Source of a Life giving water of rebirth and renewing them with My Holy Spirit (27.04.14)

Lord approaches us in a new way in this End of Times in a manner through messages, revelations and appearances like never before in history. His aim is to make the whole of creation new! (cf. 04.02.15).

I am sending your Holy Mother to you, to re-educate you and teach you the fundamental things of My Law, reminding you all that you are not alone, and that your life here on earth is but a shadow that will not last forever (03.08.16)

We have appointed you (Vassula) to transmit Our Word as a Reminder but also as a last Warning; and why? because of the greatness of the Love we have for you all! (26.07.17)

 I have planted this Vineyard and named it: True life in God; I have not planted it high up on the mountains, but in the lowlands to make it accessible to everyone (12.04.04)

Grace and Mercy was offered to all mankind but those who heard Me yet have chosen not to listen nor accept My saving help; due to their incredulity, they will suffer immensely like Cain! (05.05.11)


Day of the Lord (”Visitation of the Lord in our life on earth” or a ”Baptism of Fire” or a ”Baptism of the Holy Spirit”)

Day of the Lord is a sort of mini-tribunal before the actual Day of Judgment. Each one of us will go through the terrible Day of the Lord. No one will escape it. This immaterial Fire will reveal and rid us of our innumerable sins. We can call it ”Gods Merciful act”. That Day can come abruptly upon anyone at any time. Many people have already experienced this immaterial Fire. And it’s better for us to experience it now, than later in Purgatory. The Lord will come like a ”thief in the night” without any forewarning.

I will assess in My Day every soul, revealing all their actions and what they contain in their heart (03.02.16)

Not only man will be purified by (immaterial) fire, but already now the whole earth is being purified by (material) fire and we see it with our own eyes.

Because of your godlessness, because of your rejection of My Cross on which I suffered willingly for all of you, and particularly your blasphemes against the Holy Spirit of Grace that is poured out on you to renew you, I tell you, generation, that nation will turn against nation, blood will spatter all over; the olive tree will cease producing its olives and the earth will succumb; ruin and devastation will come to many cities more than ever, seasons will keep changing for man is destroying the earth through his own sinfulness and godlessness; and like a roaring lion My flames will descend from heaven, a turbulent fire; from one corner of the earth to the other I will put aflame ravines, mountains, valleys, cities, emptying many of the earth’s inhabitants(22.06.10)

My Father’s wrath can no longer be sustained; the earth’s imminent death has approached, and what this generation has sown, they will harvest; a fire will rage fiercer than ever seen by human eye; and the elements of the earth will melt; consuming nature, humans, animals and the lot! My daughter, this fire is inevitable, My Heart weeps with sadness, but this will be the only remedy left now! (18.05.13)

Generation, you are living in great tribulations forced by your own hand (31.01.19)

Russia has a specific place in the Lord’s Messages. We are all watching the war in Ukraine.

The misery the east is facing will consume their pride and their guilt; a fierce blast as fierce as a hurricane will burn them; and they will atone every one of their guilt; and they will learn to live with integrity (14.04.14)

But soon, yes, your soon, the earth will be put aflame, as in the time of Sodom and Gomorrah that My Father overthrew, then I will show My Glory through the Eastern House (Russian Church) (08.04.14)

 Many are probably a little confused by this, including me, but the Lord says to all of us:

I am the Resurrection, and resurrection shall soon take place in My daughter Russia; do not be judge of her sons and daughters so that I will not be compelled to judge you; were anyone perfect among you, you would still count for nothing in My Perfection; soon the Glory will be given to Me in its fullness and Russia will govern the rest of My children in holiness (20.10.92)

Not only Russia, but also Israel is mentioned.

The Day of My Return is nearer than you think, for I am coming to dwell in the middle of all of you and in all truth I will be awakening My People lifting the veil that impedes them to recognize Me as the Messiah (31.01.19 )

We all certainly wish that.



I am now as in the days of Noah, descending upon you to warn your generation (30.11.15)

To warn us, that the time is growing short and that from today everyone should start living as though this is their last day on earth (04.11.16)

Don’t waste your days anymore with earthly things that wear away (22.05.12)

I tell you, My Presence is imminent, but when I will appear, those who are living in wickedness and have not repented, the tomb will be their eternal home; and it would be the east wind that will wreck them (10.04.15)

I will be visiting you soon, but to pass a premature Judgment will not be profitable to anyone; however, My Judgment by Fire is not far from you; I have not deposited My Judgment in a cellar! My Judgment will be released (09.02.16)


Dear brothers and sisters. Most High has declared His Words and the Verdict announced will depend on our prayers, our works of mercy, our love and our sharing (cf. 28.11.09)


The Justice will be established once again on this earth, the time of redemption is soon with you (17.05.21)