Vassula in Canada, Indonesia and Philippines

January 4-15, 1997

Vassula and Father O’Carroll concluded 1996 with a very busy period during the months of November and December in the USA and Canada. Vassula called it a ’marathon’. In fact, it included 23 meetings in 28 days in eighteen states and provinces. But the Sacred Heart made it clear to her that this long and strenuous journey came from His Divine Will, and to encourage Vassula, Jesus said to her: ”Let My Yoke be light on you and not burden you, My little one, and you will have no trace of fatigue, for this too is My Will! Glorify Me and pursue the path I have traced for you, renouncing yourself into My Hands. I, Jesus, bless you and all your undertakings”.

God Asks for More Sacrifices

Vassula explained that she felt that because of the greatness of the love the Sacred Heart has for us, He was asking her to offer more sacrifices, in fact, to offer her life as a sacrifice to bring souls to Him. Explaining to her the dreadful situation of the world, He said: ’Ah, Vassula, there are countless souls out there in the world who are dying, and My Heart pains Me, and I am distraught at the sight of these dying souls …. Vassula are you willing to offer Me more sacrifices to bring those souls home? yes, in My Sacred Heart?’

With these divine words giving her His blessing, the Sacred Heart sent her out to witness to His Love. During their journey, Jesus did not diminish his encouraging words to Vassula and Father O’Carroll. Ever so near, and ever so gently, His words were an uplifting source to both of them ’I am pleased with you,’ one message said, ’Love loves you, and reassures you that Jesus-is-with-you.’

When January, 1997 came, Vassula continued her ’marathon’ mission, beginning in Prince George, B.C., in Canada and continuing from there to Indonesia and the Philippines. Fr O’Carroll, who had accompanied her during the journey through the United States, was badly in need of a rest as a result of the demanding schedule. Vassula was wondering if she would have to travel alone, when suddenly the Lord said to her: ’You are not to go on your own; I will be sending you for this journey a brother. He will be your companion in those meetings….. And that is what He did. When Vassula is on a mission, Jesus does not want her to travel on her own. But that is not surprising, because even with His own disciples, He sent them two by two. At one moment there was a slight temptation to send Vassula alone to Canada and then meet Fr. ”X” only in Jakarta. As this was being planned by the organizers with Vassula’s consent, Jesus intervened again, but this time to rebuke her for disobeying this command to her. His words were ’Have you not heard that obedience to God comes before obedience to men?’ Then His words fell on her like thunder: ’What have you done, My child!’

Vassula Asks Forgiveness

When she heard these words, God gave her a light of understanding that He has used these words once before; when the message was over, He made her look in Genesis 4 : 10. To her horror, she read those same words, word for word, when God had asked Cain, after he had killed his brother: ’What have you done?’ But Jesus, who corrects, never crushes the soul; His message continued: ’. . . you are worth nothing in front of My Glory, and before My Saints, yet, when you are in my bosom, you are hidden in Me, you are in the One who justifies sinners, then, your soul, puny little creature, is considered as justified because of Me. This was one of your falls, but, however grave your sin was, grace now will be even greater since you have realized what you have done and have come to me to ask My forgiveness; now you are alive again, not by your own power, but by My Power… ’ Vassula, having realized her mistake rushed to Jesus, imploring Him to forgive her.

Vassula always says about the Lord: ’The Lord never fails me.’ This is how He directed Fr James to join her for this journey. He ’happened’ to be in Europe, where he was attending a meeting but was available any time. In that way they were able to cover the round-the-world mission of January 1997.

Old Friends Meet again in Vancouver>

Since the first stop in the journey was the city of Prince George in Canada, Vassula invited David Huxley, a Canadian Anglican who also lives in that same province, just an hour away by plane. He was one of the first witnesses of Vassula’s mission when she lived in Bangladesh since he lived there at the same time and had read the writings while living in Dhaka. He readily agreed to come to give his witness in Prince George. In fact, he has known both Vassula and Fr. ”X” since the very first days of True Life in God. He regularly attended the Sunday Mass in Bangladesh and sang in the choir as well. He left Bangladesh to return home about the same time that Vassula left.
So it happened that the three of us met at Vancouver airport after ten years! The trip for Vassula and Fr. ”X” was just the beginning of an arduous journey. On 3rd January we had left from Geneva. After about 14 hours of flying time, we had reached our destination in Prince George. A group of organizers was there at the airport to greet us, including Mr Gerry Zook, an Orthodox from the area. The weather was cold (-8 C), and there was plenty of snow.

Two-day Conference with Many Clergy

The next day, Saturday, a two-day conference began in which Vassula was the main speaker. Besides Vassula, Dr J Bisonette had been invited to speak on ’The Trinity and True Life in God’. The attendance was an ecumenical mixture of Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox. Besides Protestant clergymen, there was also a Greek Orthodox priest who had been gaoled several years in Uganda. In Vassula’s presentation, she read out passages given to her by Jesus on Our Lady’s Heart. The attendance was small compared to a typical conference on True Life in God, but those in attendance were unusual due to the number of clergymen and prayer group leaders. David Huxley gave his testimony about the early days of Vassula’s calling in Bangladesh.

Healing Service

When Vassula had completed her testimony, she led a healing service that had been requested by the organizers. The service followed the pattern that has now become usual. She made use of her crucifix, which contains a certified relic of the true cross. When she imposed the crucifix on the foreheads of the participants, quite a number of persons rested in the spirit, falling down on their backs. One young man even experienced elements of Christ’s passion. On November 9, 1994, the Holy Spirit had given Vassula a message saying that He would teach her to pray over people so that they fall in His ’Embrace’. It had to be in God’s time, and so everything started only in September 1996, when Vassula was asked to have a healing service.

Protestant Clergyman Accepts Our Lady’s Role

Afterwards, Mr Zook had arranged a private meeting of Vassula with several Protestant clergymen. The conversation centred very much on the messages she had read on the Blessed Virgin, and her comments were very favourably received. One Protestant pastor mentioned that he was pleased with what he had heard about Our Blessed Mother because it was clear in Our Lady’s message that she was trying to lead people to her Son, and this pleased them a lot. On Sunday, 5th January, Vassula was invited again to give a brief talk, especially since there were some young people in attendance who had been absent the previous day. Another healing session was held, and many rested in the Spirit. One young man received the grace of seeing Our Blessed Mother’s form in the place of Vassula, a phenomenon that happens very often in her meetings. That same evening was the departure for Indonesia.

Trip to Indonesia

The trip to Indonesia was via Los Angeles and involved changing planes in Vancouver. Total flying time was four hours. Just after midnight, 6th January, began the longest part of the journey, a 14 hour flight to Taipei, a stop on the way to Singapore. There another plane awaited for the journey to Jakarta. In Jakarta, the local organizers escorted us to our final destination: Surabaya, one of Indonesia’s major cities. Thus far, the journey from Switzerland counted about 47 hours of flying time alone. We had crossed the international dateline, so suddenly it had become 7th January.

In Indonesia, lndri Makki and her sister Alice made very effort to facilitate the journey. Alice had met us in Singapore and travelled with us to Jakarta, where her sister was waiting. When we reached Surabya, we were met by the local organizers, Francesca and Setyono.

Be Prudent-Jesus says

The next day, 8th January, was the meeting. It was amazing to see such a large gathering on such short notice. The people were enthusiastic. The hall in the local World Trade Centre was filled to overflowing with more than one thousand people. This time, Jesus advised Vassula just before her meetings to be prudent, ’Be prudent, pupil, and lean on Me … you will continue to restore My House, be prudent. I will guard you.’ Vassula was being warned. Later on, she understood that there were people during her journey in Indonesia and the Philippines with a wrong approach to Catholic doctrine. They came to Vassula offering their printed matter and wanting to ask her all sorts of questions. But this sort of thing has happened often during her recent meetings. In fact, Vassula noticed that during the past year the quantity of false prophets has multiplied alarmingly. This is another proof that we are living in the End of Times.

Many False Prophets

Vassula says that the real prophets are so scarce that one can count them on one’s fingers. She noticed that many good people are totally convinced and are following those false prophets because some of them have managed to make their name known and are spreading their books. The devil’s work is to distract the faithful by giving them what is a lie so that what comes from God will not be given its full value. Some people may have simply deceived themselves, but in any case the result is the same. Nevertheless, Vassula makes a point not to denounce those false prophets by name because the sole judge, she says, is God. And God will send His angels in the end to do the sorting out. That same afternoon, after the meeting, we left in a hurry for Jakarta.

Jakarta-Five Thousand Come

On 9th January, our meeting was scheduled in a large sports complex. Despite a political riot causing severe traffic jams, God called 5,000 people to listen to His words. Both Catholics and Protestants were in attendance. It all began with a beautiful and very solemn procession of young people carrying a big crucifix and a statue of Our Lady. After the procession, some young people, dressed in the costumes of the various islands, gave a short demonstration of their traditional dances. Vassula’s talks were focused on the Love of God and the Holy Spirit. God always reminds her to reveal to His children His intimate Love so that they meet Him and get to know Him.

These intimate messages have a very powerful impact on people, and one can see it during her talk. Their eyes fill with tears, and they are very moved. One can sense the thirst in those souls to hear and learn more about our Father in Heaven. After Vassula’s talk was over, it was followed by a concelebrated Mass with a very large number of eucharistic ministers who assisted with the communions. Vassula remarked on the seven youngsters in traditional dress who were praying for the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. A lot of what she said was centred on the Holy Spirit – a remarkable providence. One thousand and thirty copies of books were sold at the meeting.

On 10th January, we left Jakarta and were picked up at the airport by our friends from the Centre for Peace to stay one night in Manila before leaving the next day for Cebu. Vassula’s work began right in the airport since a roving reporter for the Catholic station, Radio Veritas, had been informed of her arrival Vassula did a brief interview with him before leaving the airport.

Meeting in Cebu

THE meeting planned in Cebu was organized by the local Centre of Peace, and a number of Catholic charismatic groups had even changed the date of the annual meeting to coincide with Vassula’s visit. The first evening in Manila, there was also an interview with a prominent television personality who is seen nightly on the news. As the interview proceeded, one could see that the interviewer was getting more and more deeply touched by the interview, and finally she asked Vassula to pray over her after the interview. Some of this was shown a few days later on television. The full length interview was scheduled to be shown in the coming week. We thought: Jesus takes all means to draw His people into His Heart, yes, even TV, for this programme would be seen by millions.

Vassula Evangelizing in Hospital

That very same night of 10th January, Vassula was rushed to the hospital emergency room at midnight with a case of food poisoning. At the emergency room, when the doctor heard her name, he recognized her and informed his superior. In fact, Vassula’s many video-tapes are transmitted on a number of local television stations. When the young doctor found out that his superior didn’t know about her, he commented ’Don’t you read the newspapers?’ Vassula promised to send him a book. In fact, after her departure, she was featured in an article on the front page of the large-circulation daily Inquirer.

The Lord Gives Vassula Strength to Continue

ON 11 th January, we arrived at Cebu and were met by a delegation at the airport. It included a local mayor, as well as the local publishers of the book, David and Mary. That evening, we were invited to Mass at the Sacred Heart Church. A group of priests who follow the messages were there to share in the concelebration, and the Church was filled. During the Mass, Vassula felt unwell again, so she had to be rushed out and go to lie down on the sacristy floor (there were no benches). Vassula was feeling so bad that she was about to faint. The priests asked for any doctor to come forward. Two came and advised her to immediately drink water with sugar and salt. Eventually, when Mass was over, she still attended a dinner she had been invited to, together with a number of people and the priests who had concelebrated at the Mass. When she first arrived, she had to lie down, but suddenly she felt better and joined the priests for dinner, as had been intended in the programme for the evening so she could share with them the messages. Vassula has noticed how, when she is on a mission, even when she is not well, the Lord gives her the strength required just for those moments when she has to give her witnessing.

Cebu – Twenty Thousand Come

The following day was Sunday, 12th January, and over 20,000 had gathered at the Coliseum, a local sports centre in central Cebu. Since Vassula was still not well, she asked that a chair be placed in front so that when she gave her talk, she would be sitting. For fear that she might collapse, the chair was there, but as soon as her turn came to speak, all her ailments left her, and she stood up for an hour and a half as always to give her talk. This reminded her of Jesus’ words to her ”I will always respond to your needs.” ”Never tire, My child, of working for Me. Although your crosses are many, do not complain. Although you are My most tormented messenger in your days, My Holy Spirit will remain with you to be your Guardian, your Lamp and your Joy. He will keep you cheerful since you are hidden in Us . . .” Vassula’s talk was a lengthy and thorough presentation of True Life in God, which was followed by a concelebrated Mass. There were many priests and a large number of Eucharistic ministers as well. The faithful came from many different areas of the Philippines since the charismatic movement had shifted their annual conference by one week to coincide with her visit.

In the afternoon session, Vassula had a mass healing session. In the beginning, she was considering how to go about it. She discussed it with Al Barbarino, an American friend who is a singer that she had met in the United States and who ’happened’ to be invited too in Cebu. In the end, she asked Jesus to guide her and show her how to manage this. Jesus indicated in her heart two powerful prayers on the Holy Spirit and for healing. She asked Al Barabrino to assist her with songs in between and during the healing. He joyfully agreed to do this.

Vassula Lifts The Crucifix

Vassula went out to the assembly, read out the prayers Jesus gave her, and then lifted the crucifix high. Then with her arm raised, she turned it slowly from left to right and even behind her since all the balconies were full. The power of the Holy Spirit was so intense that people were thrust back, falling in their chairs. Some who were with demons were so disturbed by the presence of the Holy Spirit that their demons started to howl. Then everything was over.

Healing Service After All-Night Vigil

NOT far from the city of Cebu is the local diocesan shrine in honour of Our Lady under the title of Theotokos. In addition to the giant statue of Our Lady of Fatima, there is a Russian icon with which Mary is venerated under the Greek title of Theotokos, which means Mother of God. the shrine functions as the heart of the prayer groups of the diocese which attend the all-night vigil of the 13th of every month, ending with a morning mass and healing service. Vassula was invited to conduct a healing service at the shrine after the morning Mass, and Fr. ”X” was asked to preach during the all-night vigil which includes confessions, Eucharistic adoration and the Rosary. For this, Fr. ”X” had to leave the house at 11.30m and spend all night at the Centre. Vassula was asked to arrive later on, thus she left the house at 4.00am. Fr. ”X” based his talk on the messages of True Life In God, especially focusing on the messages on Our Lady’s Heart.

Many Rest in the Spirit

After the Mass, which had been attended by thousands, Vassula imposed the crucifix individually on a great number who had remained for the service. Though the crowds were great in number, it did not take so very long because people rested in the Spirit almost as soon as the crucifix touched their forehead. Some rested even before she reached them. Thus, Vassula, at certain moments found herself walking past those who were waiting, and she did not really have to stop or even touch them. One could say that as she passed by them with the crucifix, an extraordinary power of the Holy Spirit took over and she did not have to pause for more than a second or two. Afterwards, before leaving, Vassula herself experienced rapture in the Spirit, although she did not fall, and she gave a brief message. In these moments of rapture, the Spirit uses her faculties. This time, He shaped her hands in the Byzantine blessing form. Then she solemnly raised her right hand before giving the message. Just looking at her hand in the position of a blessing caused at least two people to fall back on the floor, resting in the Spirit.

Jesus Gives a Special Blessing Through Vassula

Vassula whispered the message with great effort, as is the case when she experiences rapture in the Spirit. The message was ”I bless My people; I bless the Filipino people.” Later, she mentioned that besides blessing the Filipino people in a special way, Jesus wanted to include also the foreigners who were present. While the message was being whispered in Fr James’ ear, it had a power that was felt by those present, and Fr. ”X” experienced this power on himself as well. Just after, as we left the sanctuary area, several persons saw Christ in Vassula’s face. They saw Christ with a sad expression and with light blue eyes. (Vassula, of course, does not have blue eyes) These people will send us their testimonies which will also include testimonies of hearings.

Last Minute Meeting Brings a Crowd of 2,000

On 14th January, we left for Manila around noon time. The next morning, on January 15, a journalist from the Inquirer newspaper of Manila had a long interview with Vassula for a feature article in her paper that was published after our departure on the front page, Sunday, 19th January. In the evening, 15th January, we had a crowd of 2,000 at the Green Hills Theatre. The meeting had been arranged at the last moment, so many heard of it only by word of mouth; some had only heard the day of the meeting itself.

Jesus Promises Greater Things to His Faithful

Just before leaving for the presentation, Vassula was called by Jesus. He reminded her that He is never far away from her. Further down in His message, He reassured her that He was pleased with her work: ”I, Jesus, am pleased with your work…” Then, He showed her how He would reveal greater things still, were she to remain faithful to Him. Then, giving her advice of how she should present His message, He said: ”Allow My Voice to be heard, so that I sanctify My people with Instruction.” Jesus seemed to indicate here that what he expected from His instrument was that she expose the teachings of the Holy Spirit to the people, instructing them so that they would understand His sayings. Jesus then, with ever so tender words to His instrument, once more reminded her of His Love: ”I have proved My Love for you, Vassula, My chosen one, by revealing to you the tenderness of My Sacred Heart. All I ask from you now is a return of love. Love for Love, heart for Heart. I bless you in My tenderness.” The Lord here reminded Vassula of His Love asking for her love. He reminded her of how He offered to her His Heart and that now He wanted her to offer Him once more her heart.

Another Healing Service

After Vassula’s presentation, once more there was a healing service. Many rested in the Spirit, falling at times so rapidly that it was difficult for the ’catchers’ to keep up with the numbers. In spite of the large number of people, it all went rather rapidly because the Spirit acted fast, making them fall into His Embrace as quick as lightning falls.

Half-Hour Presentation at the Airport

On 16th January, there was a final surprise. Though we had thought that the mission was now accomplished, there was a surprise for us at the airport. That reminded Vassula of those words of Our Lord which he had told her in the very beginning: ”And you will have not rest …” Another impromptu meeting had been arranged in the airport chapel! Our hosts had arranged for Vassula to speak before a small crowd. Therefore she gave a brief half-hour presentation. They were people who had not even read the messages. Most were employees of the airport or air hostesses. The priest who was scheduled for the Mass left out his sermon to allow us more time, and, as word spread through the airport, many streamed in after the healing had begun. Later on, a man approached us and thanked us, for his back pain had disappeared.

After leaving Manila, we had a six hour transit in Singapore that gave us time to write us this report, and so we could really say now ’Mission accomplished.’ Fourteen hours later, we were back in Switzerland on a trip that took us around the world in just two weeks. All in all, our journey was calculated to 69.5 hours of flying time.

We conclude by quoting from the Scriptures a passage that Vassula asked the Lord to give to us: ”Yahweh says this:
”Let the sage not boast of wisdom nor the valiant of valour, nor the wealthy of riches! But anyone who wants to boast, boast of this: of understanding and knowing Me. For I am Yahweh, who acts with justice, and uprightness on earth, yes, these are what please Me,’ Yahweh declares” (Jeremiah 9 : 22-23)

Fr. ”X”